Friday, December 28, 2007

The Amazon Customer Service Phone Number


Looking for the customer service phone number? Wait! Before you read any more, I wanted to let you know that I've been doing a little more trading with Amazon. My experiment buying an iPod from them last year went well, and I've ordered a few other things here and there. I have had some issues that I've had to deal with through customer service, and I feel like they've really made some significant improvements since I first posted their number back in 2002. Most importantly, they now post their number on their site. If you follow the "Contact us" links, you can get to this message:

If you have difficulty connecting to our Click to Call service, you can call our toll-free number for automated assistance, 1-866-216-1072. International customers can reach us at 1-206-266-2992.

So, why have you come here?

The numbers of letters and comments I get have dwindled lately, and maybe that means that there are fewer problems. But I still get thousands and thousands of visitors to this site each month looking for these numbers. Maybe the path to finding their number is too hard. Maybe the frustration when things go wrong is so overwhelming people don't want to spend the time to look. If you want to tell me why you're here, I'd be interested to know -- just click on the "Write" link on the left side of the page.

One quick thing: Remember that shopping locally is a great way to support your city, your neighbors, and your environment. I encourage all of you to consider shopping at your local bookstore; even though you might pay a few dollars more, you're making an important investment in your community. Happy shopping!

Now included by popular demand - The e-Bay, PayPal, Netflix and more phone numbers! These are some new phone numbers provided by visitors to this page.

This page was featured on NPR! Click here to listen to the story.

Good Morning, NY Times Readers! More than 23,000 people visited this page in December 2004 alone. The story in the Times generated more than 6,000 visits in one day. More than 5000 people were here in November, and more than 4500 in October. 'Tis the season to call Amazon customer service! (And if you haven't seen it yet, check out the article on Internet customer service in the 12/30/04 issue of the New York Times. You'll have to log in.)

Some other folks who have written about this site include U.S.News and World Report,
The Austin Chronicle, PC World
and Report on Record.

First, a note about calling customer service.

Remember when calling customer service that you've got something in common with the representative you'll talk to on the phone. You've both been put in a crappy situation by the management of Amazon.

Amazon's decision not to put their customer service on their "Help" or "Contact Us" pages means that after you experience a problem you end up searching for their number for an unreasonable amount of time. After you finally find it, you call the number and then are put on hold for quite a while as well. Chances are, you're frustrated, angry, and at the end of your rope by the time a customer service rep answers.

But that rep is also feeling the effects of Amazon's decision. The person on the phone isn't a member of management with decision-making power. They're somebody that needed a job, and they took this one. Amazon's decision to withhold the phone number from their customers means that everybody they talk to is like you: frustrated, angry, and at the end of their rope. It's got to make their job really hard. Wouldn't it suck to have to talk to people who are pissed off all day long for eight hours a day? I'd hate to come to work!

So, when you call, try to keep in mind that you and your customer service rep are in the same boat. You can bet that they're having a terrible day.

Also, especially if you are ordering books or CDs, remember that your local independent stores are likely to be able to order anything that you want if they don't already have it in stock; and chances are, their customer service will be a lot better. You may not get the deep discounts available at Amazon, but, as you've probably already learned if you're reading this, you get what you pay for.
Happy shopping!

The numbers!

US Customer Service
Phone toll-free in the US and Canada: (800) 201-7575 or (866) 216-1072

Phone from outside the US and Canada: (206) 346-2992 or (206)-266-2992
Another direct line: (206) 266-2335

(I think this will still work, but no guarantees)

E-mail address and the fax numbers seem to go on- and off-line with some regularity. Readers have also had luck with the following addresses:
(This last e-mail address sends back an note from Amazon that using it won't help you. There may be nobody reading the e-mail that comes to this address.)

Amazon's rebate center: 1-866-348-2492
Amazon Corporate Accounts:1-866-486-2360

Snail mail to customer service, Inc.
Customer Service
PO Box 81226
Seattle, WA 98108-1226

Service for Amazon Sellers
They also have special e-mail accounts for spoofing and abuse:
(This information was provided by a reader! Thanks!)

Canadian Customer Service
Phone 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific: (877)-586-3230

Corporate Offices, Seattle
(206) 622-2335
The fax number has changed. 206-266-1832 is no longer a fax number.

New! Fax for Amazon's legal Department: 206-266-7010

UK Customer Service
Phone: +44.208.636.9200
More UK numbers, from a reader:
Freephone (only from within the UK): 0800 279 6620
Phone (outside the UK): +44 20 8636 9451
Fax (free from within the UK): 0800 279 6630

Fax (outside the UK): +44 20 8636 9401
An Aussie who contacted me verified the number above but for Aussies you need to dial it this way: 0011 1 206 266-2992.

UK Snail Mail: Ltd
Patriot Court
1-9 The Grove
SL1 1QP Headquarters
Address: 1200 12th Ave., Ste. 1200
Seattle, WA 98144
Phone: (206) 266-1000
Fax: (206) 622-2405

Info e-mail: is no longer a working e-mail address.
(Amazon's CEO is Jeff Bezos, if you want a name to put on an e-mail or fax to this office.)

According to good sources, Amazon is no longer outsourcing much of its customer service work to iSky.

You asked for it! e-Bay and PayPal Phone Numbers and More!

e-Bay, Inc.

Toll Free: 800-322-9266
And another one: 888-749-3229

or 402-935-2050

For PayPal in the UK: 0870 7307 191 (replace the first 0 by +44 if dialling from outside the UK)

PayPal (Europe) Ltd
Hotham House
1 Heron Square
Richmond Upon Thames




And click here for a national consumer assistance directory!

More Press! This beauty appeared in the Aug. 18-24 issue of U.S. News & World Report. Sadly, I think this link is now dead. Perhaps I should put up a scan of this article.

This page got a little write-up in the Austin Chronicle in December 2002.

Found this little write-up on the web.

Why did I make this page? made an unauthorized charge of more than $300 to my credit card, and because I couldn't find a phone number, I had no way deal with this problem that needed immediate attention. I finally did a search on Google and found somebody who has posted the customer service number to his website. He, too, was having a problem and couldn't find the number, so when he finally got it he provided it publicly for people like me. Now I'm following his lead.

I think it's completely lame for a company to pull this kind of crap -- hiding their phone number to avoid calls -- especially one that won't quit talking about what a high level of customer service they offer. It's a tactic designed to save money, but, personally, I'm willing to spend a little more to avoid the sort of situation I found myself in this weekend. And, while Amazon has had some rough times lately, they apparently chose to remove the number years ago when things were flush.

I also learned that if Amazon ships you something by mistake, their default reaction is to charge it to your credit card and force you to remain financially responsible for it until it's back in their warehouse. This is their position even if they completely agree that it's their mistake. If you argue and get mad with people on the phone, they'll eventually give you a more immediate refund. But I hate this "squeaky wheel" method of providing customer service. I don't want to feel like I have to be a bitch to get good service; that's just nasty and it makes me feel gross.

And why in the world should you have to spend any of your time and energy arguing with them when it's clearly their mistake? Unauthorized charges on credit cards are illegal, and Amazon should be taking every opportunity to keep unauthorized charges off their customers' cards, not make charging people illegally for Amazon's mistakes a part of their company's policy.

I encourage all of you to drop a line to Amazon and tell them what you think of these customer service policies, and to shop elsewhere until they quit talking about customer service and start providing it.

And, while you're at, if you have a web page and the room to do it, why not post their customer service numbers? The more of us who post it, the more people who will be able to find it.

The Apology

Over the course of dealing with Amazon, I received many apologies from customer service people, but none of them were adequate. Nobody was willing to admit that, really, Amazon had screwed up.

However, finally, somebody did. On September 29, 2002, I received this in response to a snail mail letter I sent to their corporate offices addressed to Jeff Bezos, the Amazon CEO.

Dear Ms. Hobbs,

Greetings from I am writing in response to your letter of August 25th, received at our corporate offices and addressed to Mr. Jeff Bezos. I have been asked to reply as I am well-placed to make appropriate inquiries and to render assistance due. I welcome the chance to help as I may and please know that I am including Jeff in this correspondence.

I am truly sorry for your entirely understandable disappointment with the circumstances of your order of August 19th (#102-2271049-3523350), and especially that our Customer Service was not more easily reached and was not more helpful once you actually got through. We at pride ourselves on efficiently servicing our customers' orders and on swiftly resolving problems when they arise, and for our failing you on both counts, I can only offer my sincere apologies.

Reviewing your order I am troubled as it was a fairly severe technical issue which resulted in your being sent an extra graphics pad. The order clearly shows that you ordered two, but just as clearly shows that we charged you for three, which is what we sent. It is a bit of Monday-morning quarterbacking on my part given that the order has been complete for more than a month, but I am going to send it to the attention of our tech specialists in hopes that such errors can be prevented hence. I know it was inconvenient for you, and I am just glad it was not worse (What if it had been a debit card, for example?).

The phone numbers for Customer Service are at a few places on-site, but I agree that their presentation is inadequate. Again, I can only act retroactively, but I will share your feedback with the appropriate persons as indicative of a way in which we are letting our customers down. For future reference:

Customer Service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
U.S. and Canada: 1-800-201-7575
International: 1-206-266-2992

Lastly, I presume that the agents with whom you spoke did not realize that it truly was an error on our part which caused the problems. Still, ignorance is no excuse and I promise you that I will personally educate those persons on how the service they extended you was lacking. Once more, it is regrettably after the fact as re. your order, but I trust that your strong and legitimate remarks will be duly considered and I hope the feedback may catalyze improvements in the service we provide hence.

Your refund for the extra pad was paid at the end of last month, and I am glad that Customer Service extended at least the consideration of a $20.00 gift certificate. I would like to add a final refund for the shipping costs of the order, $18.89. Like the previous refund, we will repay this amount to the card charged and we will notify you once it posts back.

Ellen, you are a much valued customer of longstanding and I regret that for the events of this order, we did not treat you as such. I hope it will be otherwise in the future. Thanks for taking the time to write, please direct further questions or concerns to me at the address, and thanks for using All the best.


John Clark
Executive Customer Relations

Our Holiday Correspondence

This site went nuts during the Christmas holidays! So nuts, in fact, that I decided to send a note to my friends at

From: Ellen Hobbs
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 6:15 PM

Subject: A holiday message about my web page

This message is for anyone who gets it there at Amazon, but especially for John Clark who sent me a note about the trouble I was having with and my credit card.

Thanks again for sending me the apology, the gift certificate, and making sure my problem was finally resolved. I do appreciate it. However, I have to say that I still have mixed feelings about the level of customer service I received from, and especially about the fact that Amazon has chosen not to publish its customer service phone number on its website or its packing slips and invoices. Thus, I decided to leave up the Amazon Phone Number web page I created for other folks who were having trouble, because, frankly, I would have had a much harder time getting my situation with Amazon resolved without the help of the guy who posted your number in his weblog.

I thought I'd let you know that in the first 10 days of December, according to my site statistics, more than 900 people have visited my Amazon page, and I assume most of them are looking for your number. Sixteen of the top twenty search strings that bring people to my site are some derivation of "Amazon's Customer Service Phone Number." I've also gotten a number of letters from people who have visited the page; those responses are now posted on the page.

You can visit the page at

Just so you know, I'm not sending this note to be antagonistic; I'm actually hoping you find it useful. While I feel it's pretty important to make sure I do the majority of my book and music shopping at the local independents in Austin -- I want to do what I can to make sure my city doesn't become a homogenous part of a corporate community rather than a unique place to live and shop -- I'm also a fan of internet shopping, of Amazon, and of the services you provide. It's been disappointing this holiday to feel like I have to limit my Amazon shopping, but I have, because I want to make sure that I, as a consumer, am doing whatever I can to convince the vendors who sell to me that they're going to have to do things right to keep me as a customer.

At this point, when I am confronted with bad customer service, I don't try to get around it and go on with my business; I take my money and go elsewhere. And sometimes I kick up quite a fuss, too. That's because I feel we're having a customer service crisis ' businesses seem to think they don't have to provide customer service if they sell things as cheaply as possible. I hope that this changes soon. For my part, I have tried to do most of my Christmas shopping with retailers who may charge me slightly more than, say, Wal-Mart, but who also provide a level of service that goes beyond the minimal that seems to have become the norm.

As I said, I hope you find the information I've provided to you useful, and that you will consider changing your policy of hiding your customer service number from your customers.

Happy holidays!

I got a response pretty quickly:

Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 8:06 AM
To: Ellen Hobbs

Subject: Your Feedback

Dear Ms. Hobbs,

Greetings from and thanks for writing back. I have been
aware of your webpage since October and am glad that it is effective
to its ends. I will pass your comments on the posting of the phone
number and your page's URL to the relevant persons for due
consideration. I cannot promise that the policy will change soon (if
ever), but certainly we value your feedback and the change, if it is
to come, will be exactly for remarks like yours. Thanks for your
patient understanding, good luck with your website, and all the best
for the rest of the year and into the new!


John Clark
Executive Customer Relations

42 Responses to “The Customer Service Phone Number”

  1. 1 Ellen December 6, 2007 at 10:39 pm

    Looks like one user is finding that the e-mail addresses are no longer valid:

    I just e-mailed:

    And got back “thanks but this address is no longer valid; please use the
    links below to get to a help desk.””

  2. 2 Ellen December 6, 2007 at 10:41 pm

    More numbers from another visitor:

    Hi - I have a couple of more numbers you can add to your phone
    number page:

    866-226-2966 seller central help (I believe silver level)


    800-648-3915 seller central help (I believe gold level)

  3. 3 Ellen December 6, 2007 at 10:43 pm

    Additional paypal numbers from a user:

    Two more numbers for PayPal from
    (402) 935-7733 and 877 672-9725.

  4. 4 Lisa December 7, 2007 at 12:28 am

    My frustration was that each time I got to the contact us section, some huge error occurred and the browser would shut down. I did finally call the number on your site (Thank You!), but they couldn’t help me, and I discovered that the customer service has apparently been outsourced to the Phillipines. Interesting, hmmm?

  5. 5 fbcp December 7, 2007 at 5:06 am

    I think you did good here. Perhaps I can link you my newest post on the blog where I talk about Disney Land purchase tickets. I have had terrible time getting to purchase their ticket on line. They too have no 1-800 number listed and the one they do list they put me on hold and still I have gotten no result. Maybe you can dig out a Disney 1-800 if they have one / or perhaps they are very thrifty and want everybody to pay for the phone call. Here is the link:

  6. 6 Irving December 7, 2007 at 8:57 pm

    Thanks for all the hard work and phone numbers :) Automated answering systems may save money, but they are really hurting American businesses in the long run. When was the last time you got a human being on the phone who really knew how to help you, did so immediately, and thanked you for calling and your business. I haven’t in many years, and it sucks.

    I would hire and train workers just to answer complaints, and though it would cost a lot up front, it would generate so much good will and be such a news item that I would get millions of customers. When will business learn that the old Sears adage “the customer is always right” is the heart of business success and just plain old common sense.

  7. 7 Shauna December 7, 2007 at 9:27 pm

    Thanks for those phone numbers. I didn’t even know Amazon had a customer service line since I’ve never had to call them. Although I have had really good service when I’ve called PayPal once before. There was a very short wait time and they were able to halp me with what I needed. At any rate, thanks for the good info.

  8. 8 Cheryl December 8, 2007 at 8:09 pm

    WOW… I got to this site trying to find the phone number for customer service. THANK YOU to the makers and responders of THIS SITE!
    I have been a seller for years on Amazon and really have not had too many issues. As a buyer… it is a disaster. I just spent over an hour trying to clarify a simple order. I added items (4) into my shopping cart to qualify for the free shipping from Amazon, including what I thought was two 2008 calendars. The summary was there and everything looked great - I hit SEND ORDER… and Disaster. The confirmation I received had ordered a 2004 calendar for 11.99… now tell me.. who orders a 2004 calendar for $12 that is 4 years old… a calendar?????? In addition I had chosen a shipping method to be sure I got the items in plenty of time for Christmas. Once I sent the order a verification was sent in an email (and posted in my account on line) that says the order will arive after Dec 25th (January 2008). I therefore immediately tried to go back to the order with no avail. Then tried to call… right… NO NUMBER ANYWHERE on invoice, email, website…. NO WHERE. So 5 years after your original post (2002)… still no phone number accessible. I then spend another 45 minutes on the phone with Jack… (a man that struggled with English). He said he would remove the 2004 calendar. In addition one of the books I had ordered did not show up in my verification of order so he ordered the book. He was unable to give me any totals for my order. From there I was sent to Sellers service to answer a question about a discount where I was sent back to Order service to yet further clarify the order. Now KYE answers and tries to do everything that Jack already said he did. YIKES….

    I spend another 30 minutes with KYE clarifying yet again the order. You see.. Jack ordered the wrong book when he was correcting my first order. Further he never removed the 2004 calendar. In fact, KYE tells me that the 2004 calendar is a FREE calendar being sent to anyone ordering the 2008 calendar. I said okay… if it is free go ahead and send but my invoice said you were charging me 11.99. NOW… Kye says… too late.. I already took it off and cannot add it back.

    Then everything I got from Amazon said the order would come in Jan, yet the order process said it would be shipped in 5 - 8 business days… which would mean the week of Dec 16th. Needless to say I wanted to cancel the order if it was not going to be shipped until after Christmas. Kye goes on to say he cannot cancel the order as it has already shipped!

    Does any of this make any sense? To me NO! The end result….. I am suppose to receive my orders in a week or two and KYE will “Share my comments”.

    Great customer service … hugh?


  9. 9 trademark registration December 8, 2007 at 10:36 pm

    Wow, I was not aware that Amazon had customer service people at all. Thanks for this very helpful info.

  10. 10 Lynne December 9, 2007 at 3:38 am

    I have yet to experience difficulties with amazon, actually so far I love the site and the prices I get. Free shipping for the more expensive ones too, that is so nice with all the overly priced shipping these days. BUT thanks so much for the numbers in case my experience turns sour someday!

  11. 11 Marilyn December 9, 2007 at 9:00 pm

    None of the email addresses work but here is the corporate address and the names and titles of members of the board of directors. Try sending snail mail to them instead.

    STREET 1: 1200 12TH AVENUE S SUITE 1200
    ZIP: 98144
    BUSINESS PHONE: 2062661000

    Officers, Directors:
    Steve C. Frazier

    Robert D. Comfort

    Robert F. Reynolds

    P. Thomas Killalea

    Mouin Sayegh

    Michael T. McKenna

    Jeffery A. Wilke

    Jeffrey L. Belle

    Janet Harris

    J. Robert Eldridge

    Frank D. Sadowski

    Felix F. Anthony

    Doug J. Herrington

    Brian T. Olsavsky

    Kurt Zumwalt

    L. Michelle Wilson

    Joni L. Berger

    Thomas J. Szkutak




  12. 12 David Kennedy December 10, 2007 at 2:23 am


    Maybe someone can help.. after three calls to Amazons so called Customer Service number I am p&((ed off. My account is locked, they can tell me nothing about a 2500 dollar order that I need by thursday and they tell me someone from billing will contact me in 3 to 5 days !!! Great useless totally useless - anyone have a number for the billing dept ?

  13. 13 Frank December 10, 2007 at 3:47 pm

    You can only see the customer service info. when you are logged in! Now if you happen to have an issue with logging in… you come to this site!


  14. 14 roberta December 10, 2007 at 4:38 pm

    well. I’m not the only one! my %%#$ account has been locked for 5 days now - and no help from ‘customer service’ HAH
    I want the phone number for tech support!

  15. 15 Ben K December 11, 2007 at 7:22 pm

    I just had the pleasure of dealing with Amazon’s CS (again). I was checking the order status of a book (an exam study guide) and some calculators I ordered yesterday (12/10) and saw that the calculators had shipped via free shipping but the book wouldn’t be shipped for another week! (12/17 estimated ship date, arrival 12/24) It is posted in their FAQs for free shipping that it could take an additional 3-5 days and by that definition it would arrive within the timeframe they had specified, but thats still nearly 10-12 (non-business) days slower than the merchants I normally shop at.

    So I figure screw the free shipping I’ll pay for standard shipping to get it a week earlier…here’s the thing, I couldn’t cancel or change my book order even though its not supposed to be shipped for another week!! So I attempt to get the contact info for CS to simply pay them more so I can have my book in a reasonable amount of time. Every time I get to the express/email/phone contact page it causes my web browser to crash! I restart my computer and try again…finally after about 6 or 7 tries I manage to click on the phone contact tab in the split second before the crash message pops up and get the magical number. 1-866-216-1072 (dial option 7 for a real person)

    It took less than a minute for a rep to answer (probably because noone could actualy get to the number due to browser crashes). I tell him that the shipping is sub-par and I want to pay for standard shipping to get the book this week. Apparently he had about as much power to cancel or change the order as I do (which is to say he had none). The best answer he can give me is that he assumes he can’t change it because they are preparing to ship it in the next day or two and that if I am unhappy with the order I can refuse shipment if it takes until dec 24th (which would be hard to refuse if noone is home to say no to the package…) I tell the CS rep thanks anyway and that I’ll be sure to use another vendor next time.

    It seems convenient that their CS contact page crashes right around the holiday shopping season, but I am probably just being a conspiracy theorist. At least they can say their phone number is posted now…right?

    If you want a real CS champ, goto for all your electronics needs. They have knock you out of your socks amazing CS and shipping. If only all internet vendors could be like them…

  16. 16 Daniel December 11, 2007 at 7:57 pm

    I found the customer service number on Amazon’s site but after speaking to a seller support person, they told me that I could only be helped by emailing the list and there was no one that I could speak with regarding any issues on payments. This is exactly what I have been doing and I’ve been jerked around to no end on this and just want to talk with someone to get this resolved.
    After asking repeatedly to speak with someone, the lady on the phone hung up on me.
    So I find myself here, looking for another number to contact Amazon.

  17. 17 Carly December 13, 2007 at 8:54 am

    I could not find their customer service number on their web site. It was so easy to just google the key words “ and customer service,” and bingo! I found you guys. What a great site! Thanks so much for saving me time!!!

  18. 18 angry amazon customer December 13, 2007 at 3:12 pm

    Hi. Isn’t it ashame that we all have to scour the Web for a simple contact phone number for Amazon, when Amazon should have it very visible on its site?

    I ordered two books and opted to pay via check. After a couple of weeks, I hear nothing in regards to my order, so I call today. The customer service guy insisted repeatedly that Amazon had not received the check. However, I have a copy of the cashed check right in my face, as provided by my bank, which shows exactly when Amazon deposited the check and endorsed it to their Wells Fargo account.

    This is crap! Does Amazon care about its business?

    Oh, and the CS page where you can choose to e-mail or have CS call you… it’s junk. On the e-mail page, when you try to send the info a message comes up saying ‘please enter your name’… yet THERE IS NO FIELD TO ENTER YOUR NAME. is a crook. I’ve purchased from them before and always used my credit card. If this is how they treat customers paying by check, I don’t want anything more to do with them.

    Now, I’m supposedly waiting for the ‘billing department’ to call me within 24-48 hours.

    The CS guy I spoke to gave me this address to contact the billing department, although I think he’s lying, cause just rattled off this address without even telling me to which department to bring attention to:

    1200 12th Avenue
    Suite 1200
    Seattle, WA 98144-2734

    Isn’t that just the generic corporate address for Amazon? Anyone know how I can actually mail something to the billing department? Or maybe I’m better off sending it to the CEO…?

  19. 19 Maggie December 13, 2007 at 11:22 pm

    I just had the worst experience with I ordered some books with one-day delivery at a significant additional cost. However, the delivery estimate is for Monday. I tried finding their customer service number, but of course, the site crashed 5 times. When I finally got their number, the customer service rep who I could barely understand just told me to call back tomorrow. When I asked to speak to someone else, he said that EVERYONE ELSE was in a meeting. Okay, so I asked him when this meeting would end so I could speak to someone else. He said he didn’t know and to call back tomorrow. I hope with their 24-hour meetings, customer service reps get some better training.

  20. 20 JC December 15, 2007 at 12:37 am

    Well it looks like Santa is not coming this year thanks to Amazon.
    They have put the wrong shipping address on my 4k worth of orders and apparently there is on one in the company with the intellegence to call UPS and give them the right address. I realize it wont hurt them….but my 10k a year worth of biz is going to someone else.

  21. 21 Bohol Bol-anon December 15, 2007 at 7:40 pm

    Thank you for this post. I didn’t know there was such customer service in Amazon.

  22. 22 Idetrorce December 16, 2007 at 1:06 am

    very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

  23. 23 Ellen December 16, 2007 at 2:35 am

    I’m curious to know what you mean about not agreeing with me. I’m not interested in being argumentative, it’s just that I’m not clear on what part you don’t agree with.

  24. 24 Rich December 17, 2007 at 4:38 pm

    I placed an order for the I-Coaster with Amazon. I paid for two day shipping and am now being told I will not get it until after Christmas. It was GUARANTEED to be here befor CHRISTMAS!!!! Amazon customer service (IN INDIA I suppose) tells me (What I could understand anyway) That they are sorry and I could pay DOUBLE what I paid for it and Double SHIPPING and they could have it here by Christmas!!!! That PI$$ me off to no end!!!! Then after being put on hold for 45 min then hung up on…..I call the office in WA. and they would not let me speak to anyone there!!!!!! This is such a POOR way to run a company!!!!! I will never use Amazon ever Again!!!! I was in Iraq for two years and used Amazon to get DVD’s and books, Like many serving there…I was a good customer. My son will not be getting the ONE thing he wanted for Christmas because AMAZON could not keep there word or EVEN TRY TO RESOLVE THE ISSUE WITH ME!!!!!!!!! Thanks Amazon…

  25. 25 Kim December 17, 2007 at 5:07 pm

    I don’t like using credit cards, and I use mine as little as possible (and I have no outstanding credit card debt) but for online purchases I always use my card.

    Why? Well, it’s extra protection. When you deal with online merchants who have poor customer service, the best way to make sure they don’t screw you over monetarily is simple: call your credit card company and freeze the charge. Many credit cards will jump right on it. (My credit rating is really good, but I don’t think that will affect the decision.)

    This is a tactic that I only resort to when all else has failed. I’ve only done this a few times. I prefer to deal with customer service first. The advice above — be nice to customer service, they’re having a rough time too — is spot on. I’ve done customer service work, and it’s no fun at all. Most of the time you’re dealing with grumpy people who had to jump through a million hoops to find you, and they’re rightfully annoyed. But the customer service rep, poor person, is not at fault. They’re a victim too. I know. I was!

    But when customer service can’t do anything (and those reps are very limited in what they can do, which is again bad policy) it’s time to hunt down a manager. And if that doesn’t work, that’s when I go to dealing with my bank instead of the merchant. At that point, the merchant has failed and I need to talk to the other end of the issue.

    The only time this has fallen through was the one time I couldn’t use my credit card. I shipped our computers from China to Japan via UPS (when my husband and I moved) and they broke my husband’s computer. Just for future reference: UPS sucks internationally. And their customer service for each country is completely separate from each other and can’t help you at all with anything else. And UPS China is completely inept. They never paid the insurance back, and I’ll never use UPS in any country ever again.

  26. 26 RANDY ERICSON December 18, 2007 at 8:39 am


  27. 27 SmoQ December 18, 2007 at 11:42 pm

    Thanks for the numbers…
    Finding phone number for is so frustrating and annoying! They don’t want users to know their number, they rather want to call them (as far as I know from ex-directory phone number, CLIP/CLIR on).
    Spending an hour searching some basic info and not getting them is not the best way to spend some spare time.
    Thanks once again.

  28. 28 Ram December 19, 2007 at 2:17 pm

    does anyone have ebay cutomer service phone number for UK.

  29. 29 DM December 19, 2007 at 6:18 pm

    Amazon CS is not answering today. Just just recordings, then disconnects without letting me speak to a rep. Curse you, Amazon!

  30. 30 Regina December 19, 2007 at 9:55 pm

    Why am I here? I got sent this site by a friend. Re: the amazon numbers. I recently had an issue when amazon charged my credit card rather than my gift certificates and had a mess straightening it out. But I wanted to comment on why I shop with Amazon at all.

    I’m a big fan of supporting local business, but my employer recently went to an awards program that lets you “spend” your award on gift certificates rather than giving you actual extra money. The program has a very limited number of vendors (and does not include simple things like an AMEX or VISA gift card with universal spendability), but Amazon is one of them, and since they’re “spend online” gift certificates, they arrive about 15 minutes after ordering them, rather than up to 4 weeks for some options. The other problem I have with this awards program comes down to the fact that, as a committed Christian, I tithe to my local church. This means I’m tithing on my rewards out of my regular budget (which I do have room for, don’t get me wrong) rather than spending part of that reward as the tithe on it. It just irks me that I’m being told how to spend my award since I am limited to the vendors they have partnered with.

  31. 31 Kim December 20, 2007 at 1:51 pm doesn’t work.

  32. 32 Kim December 20, 2007 at 1:52 pm doesn’t work either.

  33. 33 Jeff December 21, 2007 at 5:58 am

    I spent a lot of time in “struggle” with AMAZON.CA. In my understanding they simply do not understand plain English (or pretend), and all of it because of very law level of management, their website constantly broken, their reaction on your e-mails is unpredictable, I think many of them located overseas, and may be this is the main factor of this attitude, and more - ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER THIS GIANT from the public.

  34. 34 George M Rohrer December 21, 2007 at 11:03 pm

    I agree with the letter above I never have had such frustration in my 85 year. Right now I do not know if my purchase of 1029728254 632 9833 has been connected to my credit card. I have spent hours with people thast either did not understand me and I sure did not understand them . Get Americans please. Congress is thinking about a heavy tax on outsourcing. I got a letter last night after I purposely called to have the item $ put on my new Amazon.COM credit card, saying I still had to send a check or Money order for the 106.95 ION ITT USB turntable. George M Rohrer

  35. 35 George M Rohrer December 21, 2007 at 11:09 pm

    No smart cracks. They are printable. What mis the status of my purchase?

  36. 36 Belinda M December 22, 2007 at 6:02 am

    I am LIVID with customer service. I was so excited two days ago when I went online and found an eyeclops - I had been searching locally for a week and it was sold out everywhere. I finally found it as available on amazon and ordered it (along with a few hundred dollars of additional merchandise).. However, I ran into a techincally glitch because the order would not be here by Xmas. I clicked on the ‘call me back’ option and nwas called back immediately… it was great. The woman helped me (2 days ago) and explained exactly the issue. I had other vendor items in my order and they would delay the order. She on her own accord, after asking me, went into my account and took out the items not being shipped directly from and assured me the 1 day shipping option would now appear. It did! I was thrilled.. I went back in, placed my remaining order for one day shipping and waited. Today came and went and NO order.. I went into my amazon account and was told my password was no valid.. I clicked on forogt password - though I KNOW what my password was and it should have worked. I was told I would get an email explaing how to reset my password. None came. I looked high and low for their customer service number and could not get it without signing in (can not sign in since no password and no email giving me my password!). Luckily, I remembered they called me the other night so I went to my caller ID and called the Estera number back.. After hitting 1 a few times, I got someone from amazon customer service. (yeah!)… Unfortunately, this outsourced Phillipene employee barely spoke English and kept repeating her script. Apparently, something in my billing was holding up my order. When I asked, WHY didn’t they call me or email me so I can fix, she said they do not do that. I said. So its a few days before Xmas, someone places a rush order - and you do not contact them if there is a problem?? (I double checked everything when placing the prder and HAVe THE $$ IN MY ACCt… so not sure of the issue - because she could not tell me. WHAT?? She said in3-5 business days someone would contact me.. Excuse me, that would be AFTER Xmas.. that makes no sense at all.. Asking to talk to a supervisor does no good… Still waiting on a call back from them…but I will NEVER EVER order online for the holidays again… This is a nightmare. My guess is in 3-5 days, AFTER the holiday, they will have restocked their inventory, and THEN my order will ship.. A lot of good that does me… because I will be canceling the order if that happens and emailing everyone I know to NOT order from!! I am livid - and have shopped Amazon for books for years.

  37. 37 glenn December 24, 2007 at 11:05 am

    What a load of malarkey. The phone number takes you to half way around the globe. In the 2 cases I called, I ended up in Manila. I talked to very polite people but clueless. I ended up communicating by email and phone approximately 20 times (no exaggeration) about a defective item I rec’d. Amazon promptly sent a replacement at no charge and issued a call ticket to UPS. UPS never came despite my calls to them as well as Amazon. After over a month of spending an inordinate amount of time on this matter and having my office space reduced greatly by the box waiting to be returned, I gave up. I was twice told in writing by amazon reps that amazon would not hold me responsible for the return. So, I recylced it. It was worthless since it was defective. And then I got another email to return it at my own expense and I would get reimbursed. So I told them I recycled it. And then I got another email saying no problem. And then my card got charged AGAIN!

    While I think amazon is making an effort at CSR, they fail miserably. Reps seemingly only look at the last email sent and not at the whole picture. And phone support is even worse. So, now who do I contact about getting my money back and giving them a piece of my mind?

  38. 38 Heinz December 27, 2007 at 4:10 am

    I’m wondering if someone else experienced this issue when applying for the Visa card and get $30.00 credit.

    I purchased an item on 11/23 and noticed the instant Visa application button “Get $30 back” at checkout.
    I did fill out all the required information and completed the purchase.Three weeks later I received a statement from GE Money Bank for my purchase.There was no $30.00 credited.I never signed up for this account,like I mentioned, the application was through that one link for a Chase Visa. First I called GE Money Bank and they assured me the problem had to be with Amazon. Naturally I attempted to get some answers from Amazon CS. Their first line of support managed to disconnect me 3 times and finally forwarded my call to… GE Money Bank! On my next call I requested to speak to a manager at Amazon.
    No manager was available but a supervisor took the call. After explaining to her for the 6th time in the past hour what my issue is she replied that I need to call GE Money Bank.After explaining to her that I’ve done that already twice, she yelled the phone number of GE MB at me and hung up.
    Is there anyone else who encountered this issue ?

  39. 39 Pat December 27, 2007 at 3:19 pm

    I feel for all of you. I’m getting the same run-around about returning a camera. They can’t seem to find my original order and won’t send me a return label to send it back. Their recommendation was that I send it back myself. I really appreciate all the phone numbers above. I will start calling them this morning. I don’t think they are going to be very happy with me by the end of the day (it will probable take that long to get any satisfaction). Good luck to the rest of you! We’re going to need it.


1 – 200 of 294   Newer›   Newest» said...

Well maybe we don't post a note because we are so furious and tenacious about getting heard by we don't have the time and energy to write you-- but I am requesting all readers now to contact me direct because the California State attorney office/justice department is investigating complaints in order to file a lawsuit against AND UPS delivery service company-- so either one you have had problems with in past 3 years-- please email-- said...

My problem with concerns more with UPS.

I rarely order directly from I order thru the private resellers and everything is wonderful-- so much that I have become a seller of all my textbooks myself (I am a university professor).

But the outrage I am experiencing simply because is ignoring me after four emails since Dec. 22, 2007 to Dec. 28, 2007 and two phone calls to customer service (I received a "Frank" both times in India-- he refused to give me his full name and / or city in India-- I was being congenial and presented the fact to "Frank" that he has my full personal identity information and I simply wanted to clarify what city in India I was transferred to).

I ordered a gift on Dec 20th 2007-- a TCM DVD collection of Esther Williams for a friend in Los Angeles, CA for Christmas. I paid the full price $42.00; express 2 day mail service $6.49, gift wrap $3.99. Total=$52.97

I received an email confirmation from on Dec. 22nd stating my package WOULD be delivered BEFORE Dec. 25th. Then received one on Dec. 24th stating a correction (no reason given but a full legal text about it is NOT amazon's responsibility of any error) that delivery would be AFTER Dec. 26th.

On Dec. 28th I was wondering why I have not received anything concerning this package when I received ALL four of my private reseller purchases I made at on Dec. 20th. YES I received all of them either on Dec 24th or Dec 26th via standard/media UPS mail!

But when I made the effort and financial payment for EXPRESS direct to nothing???

So I went to check the status of this package-- I found UPS was the chosen delivery service by I shuttered in anguish-- I have a horrible history (as do many of my colleagues) with UPS. Just as recent as Dec 24th-- UPS screwed up a delivery by to me so paid to deliver it by Fed Ex as their own cost. UPS stated they never got the order-- it was false statement by UPS. I checked their tracking data-- it was all there in black and white-- they had the package and kept it at their Gardena hub stating "customer will pick up within five days". I NEVER authorized this and the customer was NEVER contacted for such either. Total fraud by UPS.

Onto and THEIR choice and responsibility-- so I track this DVD purchase and find "customer address is incorrect" printed on the tracking "where's my stuff" website.

So I go to UPS tracking website with the tracking number to find:

"Dec 27th, 2007 Address can not be found. Incorrect address. Customer is contacted"

Dec. 28th "Customer will pick up within 5 days and notification was left for customer".

AGAIN-- blatant LIES and FRAUD. First- address can't be found?! UPS uses a regional HUB just 2 blocks down from the address they suddenly can't find-- reviewing or mapquest-- it is all their in plain and specific site.. but for a DELIVERY RETAIL SERVICE to state they can't find an address- well get thee OUT OF DELIVERY SERVICE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU CAN'T FIND SOMETHING UNDER YOUR OWN NOSE!

Second-- UPS NEVER even attempted delivery NOR did they leave any notice. And CUSTOMER NEVER agreed to pick up because they were NEVER contacted in the first place!

So I requested via email and phone for to contact UPS directly to present that the address IS and has always been correct and deliver on Saturday with no more delays and excuses. Amazon said I MUST contact UPS-- so is choosing NOT to take responsibility? I also request full shipping refund; but to further good faith of all the work I am doing FOR give FULL refund of this item--that I still have not received.

No, can't do that. I requested to speak to a supervisor five times. "Frank" said it was not necessary-- I love it when people THINK FOR ME, don't you? I sent emails with amazon's own details on my package. And included UPS' and even gave them UPS local phone numbers of where they say the package is waiting because I have such an elusive address.

Still NOTHING from

I contacted the CA justice department and found at 3pm on Friday Dec. 28, 2007 there is an ongoing investigation against BOTH companies!!! So I said-- yep sign me up-- I will testify and provide all factual evidence against and UPS.

Amazon would be wonderful if they would just LISTEN and ACT FOR their paying customers. Oh, and STOP using UPS.

Anonymous said...

I agree, that low prices is not an excuse for poor customer service. I will also take my business elsewhere. I no longer shop at Wal-Mart, for example, because of such poor customer service. I figure that if the CSR's are treating me so poorly, than the powers-that-be must be treating THEM very poorly.

I have had not had many issues with The ones I've had have decreased since I've found this site with the phone number, thank you! When I would email Customer Service, I'd get the feeling that the respondent merely read my email's subject line and not the content of the email itself. When I would email AGAIN to clarify, someone different would respond, and it would feel as if I was getting nowhere, and constantly explaining the same situation over and over without being understood. It is much simpler to resolve issues over the phone.

To RANDY ERICSON on Dec 18th: Before you order anything through the amazon marketplace (from other vendors), you should check out the vendors' ratings by other customers. I ordered an item from a vendor on the marketplace, and the wrong item was sent. The vendor (gohastings) did not respond to my emails. There was not even a response when I posted negative feedback. Finally I received a refund from After I got my refund, I looked at gohastings' user comments. As it turned out, another buyer posted the EXACT same problem that I had had, but with another item. So that vendor is now on my black list.

Bottom line is, it's a good idea to check the vendor's user comments BEFORE you place your order. Personally, I don't order from a vendor who has a satisfaction rating that's lower than 94%. I also take into consideration the number of orders that the vendor has completed. I will give a fairly new vendor (10 sales or less) a chance if the other buyers have given satisfactory ratings.

Anonymous said...

I will put this on the sellers perspective. You sell products
You get what is called account review meaning no dispursements but you are expected to fill orders even at a loss for shipping. One complaint is enough to get you kicked off amazon. They will hold and freeze your account for 90 days after that last sale. You have no other options. You are basically screwed

Anonymous said...

My first time to use Amazon service and they let me down. The book was supposed to be delivered on Dec 24, 2007 but I received nothing till today. However their website shows that my book has been "delivered." I tried to call their customer services but could not even find the number on their website, I had to use google, which led me to this website. It seems that they are intentionally making it difficult for us to find the complaint number. I will NEVER use their service again! Call for boycott of AMAZON.COM!!!!

Anonymous said...

I almost don't know what to post, but for the sake of being supportive and showing others that AMAZON.COM promotes illegal and unethical business practices, I post.

Amazon owes me $85. This money was promised because Amazon messed up an order (my daughter's Christmas gift) and I was forced to order a replacement item with expedited shipping. Amazon offered me the refund in order to not lose my business.

This money was promised to be deducted from the order. It was not. Then, it was promised to be credited to my checking account. It was not. My daughter received her gift, but I have only received an e-mail (after spending more than four hours total on the phone with customer service over the past two weeks) that states, and I quote directly, "Unfortunately we are not able to issue the refund of $85, which was promissed to you earlier. What we can do is to issue a promotion to your account for the same amount. You can use the promotional funds toward your next order." Maybe weekly spelling tests should be added to customer service training. They could pre-test right before they practice being deceitful to get a sale, and then post test after learning techniques on keeping the customer on the phone a minimum of one hour before making false promises – or, shall I say it, committing fraud.

I have not yet decided my course of action, but action will most assuredly happen. I, too, will post my grievance on my blog, write to whoever will listen, and tell my 150 students each semester not to buy their textbooks through Maybe the pressure should be put on through the vendors. What if we all refused to shop at these vendors online and in person? Would Target care? ToysRUs? Anyone?

Thanks for reading,

Screwed in Springfield

Anonymous said...

Well, I wanted you to know, for your metrics, that I only checked out this site on the request of my husband, who is a rep in Seattle for amazon. I am not getting the # b/c when I have problems I just go through their email form system, b/c things work best when you do that (though sometimes it's a back and forth thing when everything isn't read.)

Just today he got several phone calls from people who had no reason to call that number, who had gotten the number from "google". So their time was wasted, though he did give the normal customer service # to them, and his time was taken away from the people he should have been helping...those people might have been on hold extra time b/c of it.

If you have a problem, TRY to figure out the correct number to call, before calling, OK?

To the person talking about a lawsuit in CA. UPS will send a postcard through the mail, when they can't find an address. They will NOT look up addresses they aren't familiar with, they don't have the time to do that. They just drop a postcard in the mail, because they figure the PO will know more than they do. I had an issue like that for months in a relatively new townhouse, until finally their maps automatically updated and they could "find" the townhouse.

To anonymous with the "delivered" package, have you called UPS? Have you looked *everywhere*? Behind bushes, under porches, to the side of garages? Or is this USPS delivery confirmation? They will often state "delivered" meaning they delivered it to the local post office, and then the local PO delivers it. Though since it has been well over a week that's not likely it. Contact the delivery company, you never know what they might say.

My husband and I met while working customer service at amazon, then he was laid off and I quit a year later. Almost 7 years later he went back gleefully, and he LOVES helping people. As long as they should be calling HIS department! :)

I would love to try to help the other situations described here, but honestly, I couldn't understand what some of you were talking can't find your order number? amazon can't tell you if CC or check has been used for your order? Even with no time crunch I can't make heads or tails to try to help point you in the right direction!


Anonymous said...

Amazon's new Executive Customer Relations email address is I just received an email from them after sending a complaint to, Jeff Bezos' supposed email address.

NYC News & Analysis said...

A business columnist/reporter from The New York Times published a first-hand report about his excellent customer service experience with The bottom line of this article was that "customers" are's No. 1 priority, according to the columnist/reporter.

Anonymous said...

What a big help this blog has been, I thought I was going crazy!

I have now ordered two books from and on both occasions have been overcharged. The first book in now 2 weeks overdue the delivery date, Lord knows when the 2nd book will arrive- maybe 2009?

I have emailed a few times and have had the stock standard 'we are sorry, we value your custom' reply but I have had enough, I think it's a great site and the prices are awesome, but I am absolutely fed up with dealing with such poor 'customer service.' You'd think that would have tried to fix their ways after reading this, they obviously just don't care, at all. said...

I received on January 8, 2008 an email from the ecr@amazon address- a Jennifer L. Bledsoe
Executive Customer Relations

wrote- since UPS has found it difficult to deliver to your address ; we are refunding your money. We have found your credit card is no longer valid; but at this time the $48.12 was issued and we can not speak to your credit card.

You will have to contact your credit card company to have them issue a check of our refund payment if you no longer have a credit card with this company.


What?!!! Let's see-- when I try to purchase anything with an INVALID credit card-- it says DECLINE and no money can be taken out or put in. IT BOUNCES BACK. Yet, somehow doesn't have these standard occurences (I removed my credit card numbers from on Dec 29th and wrote in all my emails too jeff@amazon of this if they try to give me a refund they need to get my authorization first but I prefer a check postmailed to me (to prove how easy it is to receive USPS mail to my address that UPS seems to have problems with)

But all that was ignored- and now they CLAIM-- all more false information just as UPS has-- there was NO attempt to credit or refund my purchase-- if they attempted then it would be DECLINED and amazon would still have the money. MY CREDIT CARD NO LONGER WORKS-- so how could they credit my account??? The account was closed on Dec. 29th. Come on people-- YOU TRY IT-- close an account and try to put money in or get money out of a CLOSED CREDIT CARD .

I even requested a gift certificate back in Jan 2nd-- but that was ignored TOO.

And the reply of "UPS found it difficult to deliver... " and went on to tell me to get a NEW address so it is EASIER FOR UPS to deliver to me in the future!!!

For 7 or more years I have been ordering from the ressellers at and maybe once before direct from and NEVER had these problems-- and the failure for to even acknowledge their responsibility and NOW outright lies and telling me to chase down my EX credit card company?!!!

I am requesting documents displaying facts of this so called refund to the expired credit card.

I am going thru with a small claims court filing in California- I can only put amount of money spent- no punitive damages. But I can put in the time/labor I spent on resolving the issue myself-- so I can charge myself $50 an hour or so; this is legal but I have to give a comparitive salary- to make it valid-- so I will go for the max at small claims court-- also I like that it will force to come to my town and court because it was in CA where the problem occurred- the supposed UPS not finding my address.

The max for small claims court is $7500. Let me know if anyone else here wants info on how to do this-- you don't need a lawyer. Costs $75 to file. I have won in small claims before- and the problem is only- you win but then you have to chase after the money. The US Fed gets involved after you prove you made 3 months of atttempts to receive your money.
The motive to go thru with this is- more documentation for a LA TIMES story-- I want to make sure the reputation of is presented and is not trustworthy. Stock holders will have to speak up and improvements will have to be made or else amazon will be over by next Christmas. If the AP picks up - goes national and such; it helps that I found 3 different websites dedicated at Amazon's poor service history too! said...

Oh- I don't know if it was the jeff@amazon email or the ecr@amazon id that got a fire started from Amazon finally replying to me on January 8th at 9:21am PST.

I sent FOUR emails to the jeff email id from Dec. 29 to Jan 7. I only sent one email to the ecr email id on Jan 7th . This Jennifer L. Bledsoe
Executive Customer Relations

emailed me Jan 8, 2008 at 9:21am PST
and wrote "We have received yoru emails you sent to
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Jan. 4, 2008....."

So that may have been the impetus.

I know this-- be as factual as possible.

Write out order number, date, time and BRIEF summary of the problem and then write how you want it resolved; Point 1) Point 2) etc.

Although I wrote I wanted it resolved in the following manner:
1)Send via USPS, Fed Ex or DSL immediately . Communicate with me via phone AND email of the comfirmation tracking information.
2)Refund me in full of the amount $48.12 due to the inconvenience and my paid 2 day postage costs that never occured. Please send my refund via a commercial check or money order via USPS or Fed Ex postal mail at the following address and name----
3)Send me a gift certificate of $50 to present a good faith effort by and acknowledge that I have been a consistently loyal and positive feedback buyer at your website

***No, as I wrote previously- my written request was blatantly ignored by this Jennifer woman wrote she refunded me to an expired credit card and now I must track down the money; and not sending me the item at all and if I want to continue shopping at get a new address that UPS can find...

BUT--- it will help me a great deal in the legal battle to show how ignored my written requests and made the problem worse and did nothing to resolve the issue with me.

Anonymous said...

I, out of anyone have had more experiences with the idiots at amazon. I can't even begin to tell you the stories. Seriously, it takes them so long to credit you back money on your gift certificate if you cancel an order, and by the time the do credit you back money the items you wanted to purchase with this money have gone back up to a higher price. Also, the Indian call centres seem to be strict about sending replacment orders and keep you on the phone over and hour trying to explain things that don't make sense. They refuse to send a replacement order, even if you insist and want to send you your money back instead, even if this inconviences you. The Philino (spelling) call centre on the other hand just seem to send you a replacement order, no questions asked. Oh I could tell you many stories, and God, the frustration they make me feel. I've actually broken down in angry tears over the phone due to this.
I live in Australia and I was wondering, when I call Amazon, am I getting charged an arm and a leg, because I am guessing it's not toll free. I am dreading the next phone bill...

Miss Adia said...

Thank you for this! I ordered some DVD's from them on Saturday and the tracking number they gave me said it was delivered today in SD. I'm in PA. I talked to a really nice lady over there. I sent some emails to the seller so we'll see. Thanks again for posting the number.

Anonymous said...

I, perfectly understand what all of you are saying! Last summer I was looking for a VHS of a old movie I had been looking for everywhere in my city.I had never used before when a friend had introduced it to me. I; too, I had a problem not getting the customer service telephone number, because I refuse to give my credit card information out online. It took some time to track down the customer service telephone number, and by accident I don't remember how I found it; but,once I did find it,I called the number (800)201-7575, which seems very familiar to me when I saw it posted here on this site. To my apprehension anyhow; I, called the number and a customer service rep came on right away; I, ordered my VHS movie. At the end result with my order and received it without any problems. I didn't think I would be needing to order anything from Amazon again. Today! I was contacting my local library about books about Ebay, when one of the librarians advised that I check out Amazon and see what they had available. I, missed placed the customer service telephone and for a while I was having trouble trying to obtain it again. To my surprise, this blog came up with all of your stories and phone numbers and information that I will always keep available for the future. Last week, as I wanted to make contact via telephone call with Ebay I ran into the same kind of deal about how hard it is to get a Ebay contact number. I, ended up IM "ing" the customer service from Ebay just to get some information. Now, that you have the Ebay number posted I will keep it on hand just in case. I am getting apprehensive about Ebay now...

Thank you Ms. Hobbs for creating this site.

Anonymous said...

I ordered two sets of five books each, recently. I received five of one, but only four of the other.

I need to be able to call someone at Amazon.


Mark Z.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, I'm forever indebted to you. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I'll always be grateful.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Hobbs,

Have you ever had a similar experience with Classmates.Com on their customer service telephone number?

A couple of years ago, I had joined Classmates.Com; because, my h/s alumni was in the planning stages of having a 30th high school reunion for last year. The alumni committee had used their services to contact the h/school alumni "classmates" from my old school, and I thought this would be a good thing to join in order to keep in touch with old friends. Well, when I wanted to disenrolled with Classmates after my reunion was over, I had trouble trying to obtain a telephone number to talk with them in order to disenrolled. I had to e-mail their customer service to have them disenroll me. Also, now from time to time, I receive e-mail from them telling me that someone is looking for me and that I would have to re-enroll to find out who is trying to contact me; so, this morning, I had google customer care phone number for Classmates. Com and found a web site of a man who had the address and number. I am passing it on to you, just in case you or anyone disenroll their services that you have the information. Here it is: Classmates.Com 1100 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton, Washington 98057-5218 (425) 873-1342 Also; Here is their Corporate Office Address and Phone number- 2001 Lind Avenue SW Ste 500 Renton, Washington 98055 (425) 917-5000 and their Fax number is (425) 917-5001 "If you go to the yellow pages and-type in Online Directory of High School, WorkPlace, Military Alumni, you will find the listing there... Oh, I called toll-free (800) 555-1212 and the operator said there is no listing of Classmates.Com in regards to a 1-(800) number with them. The man who provided the addresses and phone numbers, his web site is "I hopes this helps you in some way.


Anonymous said...

GREAT HELP!. Its amazing to see someone write a page for contacts.
I have had similar experiences, so I can only imagine the sheer frustration. This also inspire a lot of people to write, post something like that and raise the voice.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Just checking to see if anyone else has an issue with Amazon's Store Card which you apply for to get financing...I have a credit rating score of 780 (that is high!) and I was only approved for $500. After calling (India) 4 times and getting no help, I finally spoke with someone in the US who told me that $500 is the highest they can offer, even for a TV I was trying to purchase for $2,200. Dealing with customer support was a joke. Does it even help to correspond with corporate? Or is it a waste of time?

Anonymous said...

I visit because even after searching their site, finding the number is too hard. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have been doing business with Amazon forever, or so it seems. Back when I first started buying from them they advertised "Over 100,000 Titles Available!"

In that time I have had few problems considering the vast amount of purchases that I have made through them. They have been my source of choice. Those problems were, for the most part, resolved easily and to my satisfaction.

But the times they are a changing.

Customer Service has taken a serious nose dive in the last 2 years or so. The use of outsourced services that do not listen to your complain and have no ability to resolve the issue added to a higher percentage of problems per purchase (my experience) is not a good thing.

I am now considering moving my business elsewhere...

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for this website, very helpful.spent 20 minutes just looking for a number

Anonymous said...

Hi, I ordered a special edition cd/dvd back in November 07 through amazon. Yes I had emails telling me there was a problem and it would be expected delivery later and then later on. Finally 2nd Feb 08 they tell me they cant get it.
This is my 1st time on amazon and most certainly my last.
I am so angry!
I live in the United kingdom and wish I had discovered this site before I ordered.

Anonymous said...

I see they want your business.BUT they don't want any problems.Grrrrr
I had to do a search to get their contact info...FUNNY IT IS NO WHERE ON THEIR PAGE...

Anonymous said...

After few years become their customer, started messing with me. I ordered 2 dvd's but until now I have not receive it. They gave me the track number but it won't work. I am tired of contacting my local post office. Few emails has been sent describing about my problem. They replied but mostly their customer services were Indians.They said they will give me a replacement after gave me a refund. After few days, they sent ma an email saying they have refunded me with the amount USD 61.94 to my credit card. So I click again to change the payment to the order that has been created by them by credit card. unfortunately my credit card won't work. I contacted the bank issuing my credit card. The bank's staff said there is no such refund from to my credit card. I tried a few times again to call them and sent few email but no reply. Hmmm now I realize that I have been cheated by those brats.

Anonymous said...

There is a number on the webpage - you might just have to click "help" to find it. Easy enough, eh?

Ellen said...

To the person above who wrote:

"There is a number on the webpage - you might just have to click "help" to find it. Easy enough, eh?"

It must not be that easy -- many days, the number of people who visit this page looking for the number is hovering around 1000. Can't be too simple if that many people are confused.

I don't believe you're right here. When I click help I don't see a number, and then when I click "Contact Us" it makes me sign in. And then I have to click another tab to see a phone number.

That's a whole lot better than it used to be, for sure. And I've actually used the "Call Me" service -- the call is immediate and works great. However, this system is clearly not reaching all the customers, as you can see by the comments here. That's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

Where do I begin to tell the problems I had with Amazon.

On monday I found out that I needed an important DVD of an event tonight. So I immediately went to Amazon and ordered the product with one day shipping. The product was sent out media mail the next day. When I recognized the error I called Amazon and talked to some guy in India. This guy assured me that the error was just on the web site and my package had been shipped one day shipment. He also assured me I would have delivery by friday reguardless. Of course both these statements were lies.

Since then I've spoken to customer service at least a dozen times. Of course you never speak to the same person and the people you are speaking to have never heard of anyone else that you have talked to.

To make a long story short, Amazon did not lift a finger to solve my problem. The $30 DVD that I order is now going to cost me over a $100and currently someone is driving a 120 miles to pick it up.

They keep saying, We will refund for shipping......after tonight I will have no further need for the product and could care less about any refund. By the way it's of little consolation but I did dispute these charges with my CC and Amazon is getting nothing.

Anonymous said...

Well, they seem to be nice and helpful once you get them on the phone, but I swear to you they still do their very best to hide the phone number. Granted I get bored and give up after about 15 minutes of searching, but I cannot find ANY phone numbers on Amazon's website. I'm still not convinced it's there. So please please please never take this site down!! :)

Anonymous said...

I returned my son's MALFUNCTIONING XBOX360 which I purchased for Christmas and received an email saying thet are charging a $70.00 restocking fee!! I was NEVER told that by the customer service rep in India that I spoke to!! I was told I would get a full refund as it was a unit that was not functioning propery and they couldn't offer a replacement at this time.How can they get away with this? Any suggestions?

CoLd_bLiZzarD said...

Just want to say that I needed to get in touch with Amazon for a new service that I had recently subscribed to through their site but was getting no update for the same.Though i have remained loyal to Amazon for so many years...when it came to a problem that i needed to resolve immediately..I realised they have no contact phone number in their site and all their emails so far has been auto generated id's which cannot be replied back.That's exactly when I got through to this site just by Googl-ing ' Amazon Cust Service Phone Number ' and I got through their UK Cust Service.I congratulate the lady who has set up this amazing site and going by the response I would request not to close this post as you are serving thousands every month.I will recommend this site to my friends and collegues for sure.

Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying that I was employed by and I sympathize with fellow posters. I can say no more on that score.

However, I am anxious to know why no one here has thought to just take to a VERY PUBLIC outlet for justice such as "Judge Judy". And instead of waiting for the laborious wheels of justice in the honorable state of California, it just might be interesting how would respond when faced with appearing on some such "forum" as Judge Judy" (most especially her) or "judge Joe Brown", etc., where you have the incredible outlet for millions of sympathetic viewers!

I had an incident with some auto repairs done by my local dealership. I got my ducks in a row then went to the General Manager's office, presented him with the information as well as a "cordially-veiled threat" to contact all the local consumer advocates in all the local newspapers as well as all the local TV stations. I told him I could be his "best advertiser" or his worst detractor. Needless to say, he settled, albeit, for my offer which, in hindsight, was a bit too generous!

Now, back to Judge Judy.....why not. I'm not sure that they'd show up, but if they did, the publicity might be interesting. Perhaps if you served Jeff Bezos personally?

I stumbled on this sight by accident looking for a better address for Mr. Bezos than that generic corporate. I'd wished I gotten a better "insight" during my time there. I might not be looking now.

Good luck, y'all!!

Anonymous said...

I've been corresponding with Amazon for almost a month now for a refund and their front line CSR's, while pleasant, seem to have no authority to do anything. After taking their advice to wait 24-48 hours for someone to call me back, which never happens, I call them up and get the same response.

I have tried to get access to the next level of Customer Service but they say that they only have email access to that level. They send email off to them yet I never hear back.

After every CSR call I make, I get a form to evaluate the call - which I complete hoping that someone higher up actually reads these. Yesterday I received a reply:

Thank you for writing back to us at

I understand that you are upset as you have not received a refund for the order even when you have returned the item, and I regret that we have not been able to address your concerns to your satisfaction. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer any additional insight or action on these matters.

We've appreciated your business and hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the future. (comment: like that will ever happen again)

Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question.
(comment: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!)

So even though I have placed close to 10 calls trying to come to a solution to this issue - they just have had enough and have abandoned trying to further assist me in this matter.

I find it hard to abandon this as they have charged me $1,800 and I don't have any product to show for it.

I'm taking the route now of corresponding with their Executive Customer Representatives thanks to the info on your blog. If it works out I'll let you know.

Shame on you Amazon for hiding behind technology instead of using it to quickly solve customer support issues.

Anonymous said...

You can always call all their lawyers: just go to the Washington State Bar, Lawyer Directory, and search by area code and first three numbers of their corporate numbers: 206-266. The results are nearly all Amazon in house attorneys direct numbers.

Anonymous said...

Follow Up:

An Amazon Executive Customer Rep, based out of New York, did give me a call back in less than 24 hours from placing the request.

He was courteous and used phrases like "I agree with you", "you are right", "this should not have happened" but still could not/ would not refund the money.

We both agreed that the final option would be to go through the charge back process through the credit card company. It seems he has, like their ex-house CSRs, no authority to do anything. The charge back just escalates the problem to another department.

I called my credit card company, provided them with all the documentation on this issue and received a refund in 2 days. Now I have to wait and see if Amazon will contest it....

It is depressing to think that one of the world's largest e-tailers cannot use technology to solve problems but only uses it to hide behind.

For good customer service the corporation has to empower its CSR and allow them to make the right decisions for the company and the customer. By outsourcing customer service, the company and the customer are taken out of the equation and call volume becomes the driver for profitability.

Greater companies have fallen because of lesser things.

Anonymous said...

I think that one of the reasons they don't post a phone number is want to deal exclusively online. So, they want to manage all their customer issues via email etc.
The trouble with this is you can't get a satisfactory answer immediately. You've got to wait a considerable amount of time. That's what they want, however... it gives them time to work things out.
However, it doesn't help us much. But, the email is just as bad as calling anyway, it seems... personally, I don't think I've ever found a call centre helpful – what I mean, is that NO CALL CENTRE I have EVER called has been what I call 'satisfactory' in their service levels. You always get transferred around, and it's always left up to the one guy who you're lucky to find who goes the extra mile for you. The processes at call centres simply suck, and they never empower the call centre agents enough.

Anonymous said...

I have been a loyal Amazon customer for a number of years, staring with purchasing books and then moving on to big ticket items like printers etc. However, my recent experience when ordering the Kindle has completely soured me on the company and its customer service. Having ordered the Kindle, I knew the company was having problems filling the orders as fast as they could. I did not have any problem with that. I had to travel for 12 days over a month after i had placed the order and to make sure that the Kindle (an expensive $399 item) was not shippped and left at my front door, I decided to call CS at Amazon to ask if they had any updates. They said no and having read other forums where any change to your order could put you to the back of the line, I told the CS person to DO NOTHING to my order, telling him that I was going to be away and I would deal with the order when i got back. Not only did the CS person CHANGE my order to delay shipping (I would have gotten the item sooner, before i left on my vacation) but he scheduled the delivery smack dab in the middle of the time i was going to be away! when i called CS, all they could say was they were not there in the initial exchange and NOTHING could be done. Even when one of their lead managers called back, she also could do nothing! Why bother calling back then? it is truly pathetic and i am sad to see such a once great company deteriorate to such bad customer service. The CS department kept on harping about what a great device the Kindle was and how happy i was going to be when i got it. I'm assuming they think that they have a captive buyer for the device. Think again. I am downloading and/or buying ebooks from anywhere but Amazon ever again. In fact, I plan on not shopping on Amazon at all and giving my business to local stores. As for ebooks, have they heard of Project Gutenberg? I AM DONE WITH AMAZON.

Anonymous said... sells a lot of the same stuff as Amazon with $2.95 shipping. Items are often priced lower than Amazon and arrive faster. And their customer support information is (really) posted on their site:

Unknown said...

I received a product from Amazon on Jan 30th. I repackaged it (same box) and returned it through the refund/return are of the website on Feb 1st.

Thankfully I added delivery confirmation. They received the package Feb. 3rd. Now, nearly two full months later and a number of phone calls/emails with Amazon's customer service, I still have not received the refund ($390).

I just called the bank instead and they issued the refund immediately and will now deal with directly.

I don't understand how customer service is not connected,except through email, to the other departments at There is no one to talk to who can actually help. Based on this poor experience, amazon has lost another customer.

George said...

I called to report a DMCA violation (Amazon was using a product description from our website, complete with the typo!) and the customer service rep gave me a legal contact number that's not on your page: 206-266-4064.

Thanks for this great resource!

Anonymous said...

I found it from google after my wife was too frustrated to find it on her own. :) THANKS!!!!!! This is an awesome resource.

Anonymous said...


Hi, First of all, let me say thank you for setting up this site. I first found it back in '05, while looking for Amazon's cust service no (like everyone else). While Amazon has done a better job in customer service, it seems their shipping quality has taken a nosedive. Over Christmas, I placed several orders through Amazon. Some of them were large orders (containing about 10 books). While many of the orders arrived perfectly fine, two of them were completely destroyed. In one particular order, the books were just thrown in the box. No packing material included. Nearly every softcover book had major dings or damage (even a few hardcover books had bent covers) and whoever had packed the order had also taped one book cover to the box.

Think it's just Amazon folks? Think again. Barnes and noble also sent me a box of damaged books around the same time.

I was willing to cut these guys some slack, but just ONCE. I understand holidays are hectic, and the workers were no doubt in a frenzy to get the orders filled. But for this to happen twice (around the same time) through amazon was absolutely ridiculous.

Barnes and Noble has no excuse either; They have chains of bookstores around the country. The books that make the shelves are nearly pristine, yet the books that are shipped to our homes are anything but. I have had more than a few books from them that were damaged lately. Some of it was minor, but still not what you'd expect from such a large company. Don't get me wrong: I'm not overly picky, but I don't want a book that is all beat up either.

While you can order new books through other companies, sometimes Barnes & Noble and Amazon carry books that other companies don't have in stock (and don't charge an arm and a leg to get). I'm starting to look elsewhere for books. Both companies seem to focus on quicker delivery instead of quality handling. There's no reason that both can't be employed.

Anonymous said...

Nice effort . . .but quite frankly you just have far too much info and really no e mail address or valid phone number . . .that is useful . . .Amazon customoer service sucks . . .seems to be the main point I get from your overly populated site . . .and I must agree with that . . .but again . . .as far as being helpful . . .you might try going to a program . . .that teaches you how to be more succint. What a waste of time. Cheers anyway for the try. . .as feable as it was . . .JG /Omaha

Anonymous said...

Hi, George, how did that pan out with their legal dept? I am an affiliate marketer and just published a new website which was plagiarized and copied to a black hat door way page that automatically re directs to an page

If you search for the domain name from the site in my name you can see what I'm talking about. I tried corresponding with them through a contact form I found on the site. The 1st response I received they completely blew me off and acted like they could not understand what I was talking about. I wrote them again and the second response was a form letter stating "The e-mail address you are writing from is not currently listed as an
official contact on any Advantage account in our records" It's really upsetting that a company like amazon is run in such bad taste with no consequences.

Anonymous said...

I called 1-206-266-2992 and told them I was a publisher listing on Amazon with concerns about Amazon's new POD policy and wanted to send an email to someone high in policy making.

They said send it to

I will try it now.

Sorry for signing anonomous, but I like to keep a low profile.

Call me Ishmael

Anonymous said...

There is a large list of ebay and paypal phone numbers at I never realized how many contact numbers there were! I've been suspended from ebay and paypal froze my account 3 times and it was hacked twice. I now have these numbers in case of any new problems.

Anonymous said...

Most of my transactions with Amazon are related to buying books. I guess this is one product with which Amazon and nothing else provides the best product and service. I never actually had a problem with them but I’ll keep this CS phone number for future use.

Anonymous said...

As a buyer on ebay for 11 years, I've come across some awesome email addresses, such as if you want to reach an executive there, just type a first name and add For example: Try several common names and you will reach some very interesting people at ebay. It's that simple.

Also, as an secretary one of my tricks is to add a number at the end of their general number and you may actually reach someone inside the company who can help. For example instead of a zero, try a 9 or an 8 or 7 -- you catch my drift. One time I tried this with ebay's main number and reached Pierre personally. And HE personally helped me with my problem.

I'm sure this idea of changing one number at the end of the phone number may work with Amazon, too.

I'm going anonymous please. Don't want any ebay execs contacting me! LOL

Anonymous said...

I called amzon support for an order that was taking longer than expected. I could not hardly understand the customer service person. I asked the person where they were located and he responded MANILA.

I will not buy from them amazon again because of them not hiring people here in america.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for these contact details.....I like to think I am ok with computers working at investment bank in front of one all day! Unfortunately I never managed to find any phone numbers on their site and it was driving me nuts. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the Anon who says he/she wont buy from Amazon because their CS is in Manila. You go to amazon to find lower prices and better bargains. How do you think Amazon is achieving that? Do you also boycott Walmart, Dell, Lenovo, HP, Nike, Reebok, Adidas and any other shoe brands, Gap, Old Navy, VanHeusen, AE, etc etc etc.

missoboe said...

Hello all. I was just reading your comments on and while I agree that some employees have NO idea what they're doing, there are of course some very good employees there. Also most of the call centers for Amazon are in the United States. There are only 2 call centers that are located in Hydrabad India and also in Manilla. I worked for Amazon for about a year and as far as the orders go, once you click Place My Order, and it's sent through to the Fulfillment centers, the order can process in as little as 45 seconds. There are both humans and machines in these fulfillment centers. So it's not so much that your order is being put into a box at that second, it's just that the label was printed off and given a shipping ID #. That's why when you DO get a hold of a customer service rep we can't always cancel the order. Also, when you call the 800# that's not the same thing as calling the fulfillment centers. We are not in the same location, so there's no way we can talk to the FC's. What you can do, and I know it's tedious but it does work, is if a package is delivered that you didn't want. Don't open it. If you're home when it's delivered, you can always refuse delivery and your carrier will take it back. If it's delivered in the mail just write RETURN TO SENDER and pop it in the box. If it's delivered while you're not home call the courier and tell them you have a package you wanted to refuse and they'll come back by your house to pick it up. Now if you're having a problem with the shipper, you can always try contacting amazon ( I would honestly say call, don't email due to the response, and the response time) and sometimes the customer service agents are able to call the shipper and get some results.
Anyway, I'm sorry everyone is so frustrated! But I thought I would just add a little insight from someone who worked there.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for this information because for some weird reason just out of no where my wishlist doesn't work. I tried to find the contact info and it isn't as easy as it seems to find it but that isn't the problem to me. I am one I can go find it and will and did but my problem was that once I clicked that contact us button my computer kept bringing up an report this error to wherever and so either way you do it weahter you report the error or not it just shuts down the page all together. So this is why I am thankful for you giving this information out.

However I too in the past did have some problems with one item but it wasn't as bad as these stories I have been hearing on here. I just simply used my United States Postal Service and got the item safely,quickly,and efficiently. But there was one item that I got from an seller that was obviously defective and you couldn't miss it and what I did since it was already taped with duct tape was resealed it back up wrote on the outside what the problem was and sent it back the way it came and the United States Postal Service got it and shipped it back to the person and that person sent me another one. With no extra charge on my part at all. So I guess I am one of those blessed cases but I don't really buy much on amazon like others do. I use it once and awhile. So I do hope that those of you that got messed with will win your cases. Good Journey to all.

Anonymous said...

Melissa I wanted to thank you for writing that out. That is the same information I was told to do when I got an defective item from an seller. Just reseal it up and send it back thru but instead of just writing return to sender I also wrote the situation and the problem on the protective packaging. That is what customer service person told me I should do and I did. And it worked.

And to all the people buying at Amazon I wouldn't boycott them altogether immediately just because something horrible happen to you but should remember it is an buyer beware kind of thing. This is why it is always important to look at the sellers record and whom your seller is and make sure where the seller is and their information is up to date right before you click that button that saids shopping cart. Don't shop last minute and expect it to come right away. It doesn't work that way. Things do take time. It will also explain all these things in your shipping and handling area of how much time it will once you click continue process or something to that. So please be careful and don't expect others to do things all for you. Life isn't that simple and we aren't here as humans for that. Good service does take time to get. You shouldn't boycott unless it's last resort. It's just like war. War isn't the first thing you jump into you first do peace talks and try to see if there is an logical and positive way to solve an situation if not then war is issued. Same with life. You can't expect others to do it all for you. There are some things you will have to do yourself and teach others how to do it right. It does feel annoying and frustrating but it's much needed. Like even complaining to get the situation fixed. With that also comes patience and time. We all have to be patient if we want things to work out in the end or it doesn't work well. I have learned this all to well the hard way so please all of you that are frustrated I know it is annoying but whining about it won't solve the problem it just makes it worse and no one good wants to be around someone like that. Good Journey and I hope it all works out for all.

Anonymous said...

We just launched a new web site that is a directory of hard to find numbers, steps for reachiing a human, etc. and we have in our catalog. The web site address is

While there, feel free to leave a comment on your experience, rate them and even upload a recording of your call(s).

Anonymous said...

I have to say that it was hard to find the 1800 number to call on their web site but when I found it posted in this forum I have to say that I was VERY impressed with the speed and helpfulness and resolution from their CS rep. Within 4 minutes I have had a replacement item shipped at no extra cost to me. I also called at 7 am in the morning EST. hint hint

Anonymous said...

I've spent 20-25 minutes at trying to find their customer service number and could
not until I bumped into this page.
I personally spend an average of $200-$300 every other month and I've decided to take my business elsewhere. I guess the executives at Amazon have their ties squeezed to the extent that there isn't any blood flowing to their brains. So I guess these sleazebags dont deserve my business anymore. Looked up and found customer service linx. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Today Amazon's website is completely down. Gee you think the customer service line has been ringing?? :-)
Also I've been a customer of Amazons for some time now and let's say spending a 6 digit number with them is not a low figure to me. But recent past (6 to 10 months the service in general seems go be deteriorating.
Christmas I ordered a very important present for my partner and Amazon order info said shipping by 12/9. While that wasn't an issue at first, when 12/9 came and went it became an issue. A phone call produced the answer the warehouse that was to ship it was out of stock and had not moved the order request to another warehouse...this ended with complied request of immediate shipment and next day air service at no charge to me.
An issue prior to that one had my "yellow flag" up, issue details I don't remember, so my recent order of day before yesterday has added attention given the purchased $$ and current web issues.
Amazon may soon loose my rather robust business.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting these phone numbers. When you use the "call me now' feature on the site, the call goes to India, always. The number posted here stays in this country, so that was a help. They still didn't solve my problem, though, so along with my boycott of Barnes & Noble, goes As difficult as it will be, I am now only going to shop the old fashioned way...locally.

Diane said...

STILL relevant. I had a perfectly simple question to ask Amazon (which of two addresses to use) before I finalized my order. I ended up spending a ridiculously long time looking on the website - in vain - for a number to call, before resorting to google - and thankfully, your website.


And WHY are they still hiding the phone number? Kinda seems like bad faith on their part, no?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

I am experiencing nothing but headaches trying to get to respond to my emails to customer service. One day after another, I get back form letters that show they have not even understood what I am telling them about the problems in our account.

I am so happy to have some numbers to dial!!

FYI, when you call "Service for Amazon Sellers 877-251-0696" there is now a tape-recorded message that says as of April 22, 2008 all phone contact with customer service must be initiated online.


Parrish Miller said...

I have had the WORST customer service experience of my entire life today, with Amazon! I ordered a $200 gift certificate for Father's Day. I spent over 2 hours on the phone with 3 different 'customer service' representatives and I still never got it! They were unable to process any of my 6 credit cards, but refused to admit it was their problem. I will NEVER do business with this devil company again.

Anonymous said...

Amazon not only has poor customer service, but also deceptive advertising practices. We recently purchased a GPS and they advertise a car charger at a lower price if purchased together. I attempted to call to find out if one was included-no luck there, so I ordered one. Of course it was included with the GPS system so I returned it. Amazon will not pay for return shipping because I chose to purchase it. According to them it wasn't there fault. The amount it small, but the principal is huge!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting these numbers.
I recently had trouble with Amazon sending me the incorrect item and received no responses via e-mail. Originally calling the number posted on their website ended in a tape recording as an earlier commenter has said.

Anyways, thanks gain for posting these numbers as they are still very helpful. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making it easy to find Amazon and other numbers.

I don't see the "Contact Us" link at the Amazon home page. Also I don't see the "Write" link mentioned on your page. Neither turn up in a text search. I think this might be because I use a browser that sticks mostly to the HTML standard (Konqueror on Ubuntu). Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

it seems to all come back to the complaint that does not post its phone number in an easy to find place.

first of all, was specifically built so that customers could navigate it with ease. if you beg to differ, maybe you don't belong on the internet!

second, if you are needing assistance on a website, what is the first thing you look for? hmm, maybe HELP? not hard to find in the upper right corner of every page. if you click on help, a BIG YELLOW BUTTON that says contact us appears on the right side of the screen. *phwew* that was hard!

now you have SEVERAL options available to you. you can choose to email, call customer service, or hey, they also have this nifty little thing with which they can call you now, 5 minutes from now, or an hour from now. whenever it is convenient for you!

as for the customer service reps, the ONLY reason you may THINK they treat you like shit, is because you're probably being rude, unwilling to compromise, and sometimes downright stupid! it's their jobs to correct the situation and educate, NOT to be belittled and demanded to do exactly what you want them to do (ie: give you a $20 gift card because it took you three days to find the 'add to cart' button).

if you don't like the website, don't go there! you're not going to hurt anyone's feelings.

brother_unknown said...

Service for Amazon Sellers
has been replaced by first going online.

A call to Amazon customer help gets you a gentleman from India unable to help you with dtp dashboard problems. meanwhile for two days now, its been impossible to post to the dtp forums.

eclecticgayle said...

hi, Amazon is in Seattle and I am now south of by a bit over an hour...because my bro lives back east,it is easier to order something from his Amazon wishlist and have Amazon,or a MarketPlace seller ship it direct to him.

His BD was June 26,so I placed my orders on June 2, seller was very nice and agreed to include short note saying happy birthday with my name so he would know who sent the pkg...the other seller sent note saying "we don't include messages"...okie dokie,eh?

My bro rec'd the first pkg. a week before his June 26 BD...the other seller never shipped the music CD present I paid for thru Amazon...what makes it even worse is that my bro ordered me 2 items I really wanted for my June birthday and both arrived before the date (not via Amazon)...also,his birthday was a bust this year which makes me more sad...he is disabled and enjoys music...

I was a long time customer of Amazon and the MarketPlace,but this has left a bitter taste in my mouth because come to find out, this seller has the most complaints for non-delivery from June orders than I have ever seen!

I filed complaint with Amazon after seller never replied to 2 emails...only email I rec'd from Amazon was one telling me I will receive reply from them July 10...if that is good CS then Bush is a freakin' genius ;>

I am just livid right now and don't understand why Amazon allowed this seller to continue selling when there are so many past complaints,too...I did read some,but decided to risk it since CD was highest on my bro's wishlist and this seller was only one who said they had it for sale...

makes me want to spit nails!!!!

ok, thanks for letting me vent...I oouldn't get any emails to work for Amazon and would call them,but don't want to waste more money since long distance for me....

found your blog via Googling "where can an angry but delish woman vent about Amason?"...LOL..


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting the phone number for Amazon. A book I ordered as a birthday gift got sent to the wrong house number and I could not find a number on the site to call so found your site by googling glad it had the phone number there. I called on a Sunday after midnight eastern time and got a very knowledgeable person at an Indian call center who notated my account and told me they would be issuing a credit within 4 weeks. The long time was needed for the packaged to be returned back to amazon and get processed.


Anonymous said...

I never had a problem with Amazon. My only complaint is they keep on sending me promos even though I have already unsubscribed to it. Do you have any solution to that?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the amazon phone no. Ordered two book with 2 day shipping. After payment email said 7 days for delivery.Went to cancel order,checked both books to cancel,they canceled one, then would not let me cancel the other because they were filling the order for 2 day delivery.Called and the guy in India cancelled it for me.No more amazon for me.

comcats said...

I just ordered a free Pepsi t-shirt with my ponts and made a blunder by using the Amazon check out link and not the Pepsi link. I was in a hurry and ended up ordering everything in my cart. Too late, I saw the confimation that I had ordered over $4000 of merchandise. I called the number and the CS Rep took care of the problem in less than five minutes. Thanks Amazon and thanks for this site giving me the telephone contact numbers. Hope this helps... and to all, have a great day!

comcats said...

I just ordered a free Pepsi t-shirt with my ponts and made a blunder by using the Amazon check out link and not the Pepsi link. I was in a hurry and ended up ordering everything in my cart. Too late, I saw the confimation that I had ordered over $4000 of merchandise. I called the number and the CS Rep took care of the problem in less than five minutes. Thanks Amazon and thanks for this site giving me the telephone contact numbers. Hope this helps... and to all, have a great day!

onecoatsam said...

Great blog!

Thanks very much

Irene said...

10 minutes ago, I was desperately trying to find the number on Now, I just finished my call with customer service and all problems have been solved. Thanks so much for listing the phone number :)!

Anonymous said...

So what number should I call to tell them their "Thanks for your feedback" page is ANNOYING AS HELL?

Before you could click, "Yes or No" and there was no NEW PAGE to load there was just a small thank you note at the bottom of a review but now you are directed to a NEW PAGE that says thanks and then you need to go through some more page loading to get back to where you were in the first place.
That's stupid.
Utterly and completely stupid.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to receive help from Mr. Bezos. I am trying to create a web based business and am curious about his true history on creating I have been in the process of creating my business plan. To be the best in your industry, they say learn from the best. I currently recide in Washington State. Thank you. My email is

Anonymous said...

Thanks man!

I was looking for that number all around Amazon and sadly I couldn't find it. But you saved my day!
Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

It is great to shop locally, I just wish that the local shops would change their format. What I mean is that I'm happy to support the really local store, but not so happy to support the department store. If I want department store, I go online. Otherwise, I'd rather buy my bread from the local bakery and my gear from the local (insert here) shop. I wish we could return to the old days in local shopping – small shops dedicated to one item. Bring the old city back.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I needed. I'm really frustrated right now, but I will try my hardest not to insult the person on the phone. :-D

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice informative blog about's customer service number. We are launching a site to publish companies customer service numbers and tips to get through. Plus a chance to leave your feedback. I think that once sites like this become popular, the large companies that hide their numbers will be shamed into showing them or adding them. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the information on contacting the big shots at I hadn't sold anything on in 1 1/2 years and tried to list some books the other night and they sent me an e-mail saying that my account had been blocked because I hadn't met their standards for sellers. I had a problem with the supplier of a couple of items that I had sold in December 2006. Even though I refunded the money immediately, the buyers gave me bad ratings and that was enough for to have a problem with me. It sounds like they need to worry about how they treat their customers!!!! I explained me situation to Customer Service three times and they will not take into consideration what happened and that fact that I have a 99.4% rating on eBay. It won't do any good to written the CEO a letter, but I'm going to do it anyway. I bet he didn't treat people this way when he was starting in business when he was selling stuff on the internet out of his garage like a lot of do.

Bill Clark
Paducah, KY

Anonymous said...

Just go to for a long list of ebay and paypal phone numbers.

Phanny said...

I was looking for a blog to share my poor customer service experience with Jeff Bezoz. I applaud the technological capabilities of the site. However, the interpersonal communications aspect of its customer service was the worst online experience. The first customer service personnel could only restate the promotional text appearing on the screen. When asked to speak with a supervisor, I was on hold for at least 10 minutes. She was unfriendly and condescending--couldn't take it anymore. I told her it was insulting and hung up.

Bethesda, Maryland

Anonymous said...

Amazon ......... Poor customer service and deceptive selling practices. I recently purchased a printer that had a $50 rebate included "in package". There was no rebate "in package" so I had their customer service call me. The rep was so hard to understand with her inadequacy of the English language. First I was told I would have the rebate faxed to me. Then I was told there is an instant rebate of $12.00. That actually was a price reduction that was on their web site. Then I was told there was no rebate and she was looking at the web page now and there is no rebate. Guess not. It had to be purchased by the end of the month which was 4 days ago so I don't think it would still be on the web site. I asked to speak with a supervisor. "No he will tell you same thing and he has lots of calls waiting to be answered." I told her I would wait, I have all night. I was put on hold for about 5 minutes and suddenly disconnected. I came across this site looking how to contact Jeff Bezos for what good it will do, that is my next step.

Anonymous said...

I am currently flogging a Amazon seller simply because complaining to Amazon would have done no good.

Anonymous said...

Without this site, I doubt I would have resolved this issue. My bank couldn't give me a phone number; my Amazon account didn't allow access to the 30-day-free-trial I foolishly set up for quicker delivery. The gist of the 'scam' is that they appeared to have assigned me two (2) passwords, one I selected and one they selected so I couldn't see how to cancel the Prime account within the timeframe. Once I reached Customer Service she told me about the two passwords, as if I had done this, and finally cancelled the subscription. At least I think it's cancelled. She couldn't issue a cancellation number. WOW!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Amazon phone number! I spent about 10 minutes on and began to think that it was most likely right in front of my face so I typed into google "Amazon phone number" and found this website. I'm glad that I know I'm not crazy lol. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank for the idea on creating this page. I'll not contact the customer service number, because I don't believe in Amazon any more. As many people here, I made an order for 1-day shipping and my account was set on-hold and I was not able to cancel my order, change payment method or even place another order!! After the issue resolved (Not in a good way), I believe the best way to complain is telling everybody I know, to avoid doing shoppiong with Amazon. I'll tell my experience to many people as possible and put a link to this blog to them verify all the experiences nuying from amazon. Thanks!

janis2002 said...

WEll I guess I'm joining in here on a gripe I have with Amazon and I'm not finished dealing with them yet. I do plan on trying to get someone from upper mgt in Customer Relations to help. I'm skeptical though.
We ordered an expensive GPS Dash navigational from Amazon directly.
We received it and immediately the car charger would not work. We called customer service and was told to "jiggle the component around" but they were not willing to send a replacement charger!! This was within two days of receiving the product. Then, about six weeks after receiving the product it stopped working completely. Won't even turn on.
We are past the 30 day return/refund policy so they said that they won't refund us our money, we could get some of it!!
We asked about exchanging the product straight across from them for another GPS unit (different brand but same price) and that was not offered either. They told us to call DASH. Well, number one, we are in process of talking to DASH but we bought this item new from
AMAZON who has our money.
They want us to accept the fact that we purchased a GPS and it worked for almost two months and now it doesn't but that's our problem. It was defective to begin with (we saw the signs when the charger for the car would not work) but decided to give it a try anyway.
This cost way too much money to have it work for two months and now it's completely useless.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this page. After about 10minutes of poking around on Amazon's site, I got frustrated and went to Google instead. Your page came right up. Thank you, SO MUCH! :)

Anonymous said...


I had no other way of dealing with this other then making a short documentary about how they made me send the same book back to them over and over and over again, till I went mad.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for this website for future reference. For the past few days, I've not been able to complete an order with Amazon. Don't know if it was a technical problem with my computer or Amazon's. A visible tele number or even email address would have allowed me to find out.
But no, I had to spend hours, trying to find a way to contact Amazon. Then I googled my request and found you. In the meantime, the technical problem resolved itself. It would have made me a much happier camper had Amazon been eager to help me.

Anonymous said...

New horrendous actions by Amazon Marketplace to me-- a seller on Amazon Marketplace!

As of July 7, 2008 my marketplace selling account has been cancelled! Why??? Have a 4.5 star rating out of 5. I have great positive comments and a few negatives due to me catching a buyer that kept stating never received anything from me (but I had the USPS tracking/confirm) but then I went to the Amazon Marketplace sellers forum.. and found same person was doing this to other sellers.
But THAT was not the reason Amazon cancelled me... No-- I got a "cyber bully" shemail from my online postings.. and I replied with the vitriol.. why don't you use your precious time and HELP our soldiers or your local community. to give you some ideas-- I give FREE books, CDS, DVDS to all APO addresses I get here at This means an APO is an active duty US military soldier. Yes- in Iraq and Afghanistan. So I give it to them for free!

So this cyber bully replied with more harsh words and "how are you giving it to them for free"-- I thought I would reply to post to others to give them this charitable idea (my husband was killed in 2007 so this is just a way to keep supporting our US soldiers I thought and believe). I refund their purchase and send them the item they ordered- free shipping and free item.

Well the cyber bully replied with "I am reporting you to Amazon because you Fing can't give anything away for free!"

Well I thought this was a ajoke... Sure enough I received an email from a soldier thanking me for the free item I was GOING to send him (I put in my item description- email me direct if you are an APO address for FREE stuff).

Well the email stated-- I am not active duty right now so don't have APO address- but I am at the Vets Hospital in VA " and gave me the approrpiate/correct address for the Vets Hospital there- I verified it.

Well then 24 hours later- I receive an email from stating my account is now suspended; then my next log in it stated "your account is cancelled due to inappropriate activity" I requested a reason and received "due to giving free items and the article of the contract with Amazon that I am not allowed to use the website for any political reasons or giving anything for free and listing these free items under's name.

I replied to that email to Amazon with "but these are our US SOLDIERS... NOTHING IS POLITICAL.." No reply- just smashed off. then I tried -- I had 3 pending payments to be issued to me from items I DID SELL.. nope everything is shut down. I tried to open a new seller account under a different name and bank info-- and I even used a public library computer so not to show my ISP (because I tried to immediately start a new account from my own home and work computers but instantly was rejected "we are aware that your account is cancelled, please do not try to open a new one under a different name or bank account". So this time I used my dead husband's bank account, his name, and a public computer-- and STILL I was rejected but with no info as to why. I have hundreds of books and CDs that I was making about $50 a month on to help support myself and kids (Pres Bush cannot release any funds from my husband's pension or life insurance due to "budget crisis" so military widows all got letters stating such. )

So now this-- try to help our soldiers-- yes now I see the contract clearly states NOTHING for free using amazon's seller account.. but I thought once Amazon researched WHOM I was giving free items to.. then just give me a warning and a "Look at your contract and don't do it again" kind of thing .. seeing I am rated as an excellent seller and they throw me off for helping our US TROOPS?!

Does anyone have any ideas on how best to expose for this horrible action against me and our US Troops??? I was thinking to alert media- LA Times is where I am; and some other news consumer advocate types.. but will they all focus on "well your contract did say..." Hmmm-- should I send to the pres candidates?? Well any ideas-- please NO cyber bullies this time;-)

janis2002 said...

To the lady who has been banned from Amazon for sending free things to our soldiers. I agree that you should be able to do this for our soldiers. Yes, it is in Amazons contract etc but they could have given you a warning and yes, they could have taken into consideration that it was for our SOLDIERS but I'm afraid big corporations don't feel the same way. You can send free things out of

Anonymous said...

I am doing battle with Amazon over a refund. I have contacted customer's service twice and each time I was told a "check would be in the mail".
Yah, right. I have asked to speak with supervisors and was told none were available. I will never use again. They are incapable of customer service.

Ticked off in Seattle said...

to poster in Seattle hoping for a refund. I went thru same thing from Dec 2007 to Feb 2008. The way I got it resolved was this-- a refund of $78.41. First I went to the Better Business Bureau website (google it to get the right URL) there is an online report form to fill out-takes about 20 minutes but it is worth it. BBB contacts Amazon on your behalf and gives them 10 days to reply. If they don't reply then they give you other resources- like your state attorney general, interstate commerce dept, and even filing a discrimination claim- if they are so good with other customers but did not do so with you as individual- then it IS discrimmintation- and you can choose WHY you believe you were discrimminated against- race, creed, cultural difference, age, sex. Amazon will have to prove why it is NOT discrimmination. THIS TAKES PATIENCE-- as you see it took me 3 months. And only cost me time to reply to emails and initiate new ones. I filled out attorney general forms online and they replied via postmail with standard forms and free postage to reply.

The reason this is very important to follow thru with-- the attorney general's office begins a file- one complaint, then a dozen, and so on against one company- if they get about 2 dozen different complaints- then they take the company to court at THEIR expense not yours (well indirectly it is taxpayers money). But then you are placed on a class action list- so you get your refund plus more money-- there almost always is a settlement and not a trial- so you get money, plus all this free media attention on how bad Amazon was.

Also- what helped- the BBB resolved my problem in the end- Amazon said they were sending a check/refund. As of May 2008 they did not- so then it was forwarded to state attorney's office- and then Amazon sent me check- but they stated they must have my SS#- so the attorney told me that I DO NOT have to give it-- had a lawyer write a letter and the refund was sent with interest- $114 came last week. Also, I wrote to my local news media- the consumer advocate reporters on local news shows- NBC, ABC local news. And they did a feature-- so now Amazon got MORE negative press. And really the only time and effort I spent was at 10pm while I was online and watching TV-- and it made me feel productive. Better than being put on hold during my lunch hour at work! Hope this helps everyone. YES it is frustrating- but with tenacity, patience and education on what you CAN do to resolve problems- then you may regain health in capitalism in USA:-)

Anonymous said...

This website is a great public service.

Anonymous said...

The reason why I keep coming to your page is because it is very frustrating trying to look for the number. Their customer service is great, I just always have questions that is not answered on the site. Thanks, Nadine

Anonymous said...

I have ordered several items from Amazon and have never had a problem. In fact, I wanted to send them an E mail telling them how much I appreciated it when after putting a British Cryptic Crossword book in my cart I received a red flag that I had already bought this one some months before. I wanted to let them know what a useful and appreciated feature this was but, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out how to contact them. Figured I was missing something so just figured "Never Mind". I guess it wasn't me being stupid after all.

Anonymous said...

You said you were interested in why people come here. I just needed the amazon cust service number and this was the first from a google search of "amazon customer service phone number". Thanks for posting it.

Fred Smith said...

I have to say that Amazon customer service was uncharacteriscally horibble today. Usually I get great service on pricing and shipping issues simply by sending them an email.

After no response to two emails, I had to call their Indian call center.

The issue revolved around a promotion where a $99 item was being offered free if you purchased another item. During checkout, however, I only received an $80 credit.

When I called to explain the situation, the rep looked at the order, she replied: "Sir, I see you have been given the promotion of $80."

I explained that I should have received $99, not $80. She put me on hold for two minutes and came back: "Sir, I have checked your order, and can see that the promotion for $80 was applied."

I can't believe this....I explain to her that I know that $80 was applied but it should have been $99. I ask her to go to Amazon's web site to pull up the product so that she can see the promotion.

She puts me on hold again. When she comes back, she states that she doesn't see the promotion. Upon further questioning of her, I realize that she doesn't seem to have access to the Amazon web site. There must be some different system that they have.

What a farce. Finally, I lose my patience and ask her what information she needs to understand my request. Put on hold again.

Then she comes back and says that she will email "marketing" and that I should see a credit in 3 business days.

Now I don't have trouble communicating with these Indian call centers, since I am Indian myself, living in the USA. I even put on my cab driver accent when talking to them in the hopes that they will understand me better....


Anonymous said...

First of all, let me say what a comfort it is finding this website. I thought I was losing my mind. That somehow all my problems with were my fault. I am a long time customer. Over the years I have ordered thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. You would think my business mattered to Amazon but think again.
About July 2008 every order started going bad. I have a stack of email hard copies on my desk that chronicle a long, frustrating, and up to this point completely futile process. I send emails detailing the problem. They send me back inane emails instructing me to take actions that have nothing to do with my complaint. I email tham back and explain again, they resend inane pointless email.
Finally I get an email saying they understand my frustration, the problem has been given to a tech, he is going to look into it and my problem will be resolved by the end of the week. That was last week, still not resolved. Finally, gritted my teeth and tried the customer service phone route. Wish I hadn't done that. Talked to a guy in Somewhere Other Than The United States. He said I had not placed the order until August 5. (I have emails going back to July) I actually pre-ordered this item several months before it's release. He refused to access my customer file so he could see my other emails so he could understand the problem and would not listen to what I was trying to tell him. Then he said the only way to resolve the issue was to cancel the order and then reorder, even though they already have my money. So tried it his way. Tried to reorder but now of course they want me to repay. What a racket. I am so done with I guess it's time to give some of the smaller sites a try. That is how the free market system works. Bye-bye Amazon. I will spend my money elsewhere. It is rather unsettling though that Amazon actually has no interest in keeping their customers. Exactly which business model does that come from????

Anonymous said...

wow. i find it amusing that it takes people HOURS to find the Amazon CS number... seriously, it takes make 8 mouse clicks at most from the time you access the main page to get the number. hell, you can even use that click-to-call option where you enter your phone number and they call you... it's awesome.

Ellen said...

Uh, eight clicks? That's kind of a lot of clicks. Sorry, I work with a lot of interaction designers, and nobody is going to tell you that an 8-click solution is a good one. If you get twice as a annoyed with every click ...


I really think Amazon Customer Service has improved their situation exponentially since I put this site up. They've added a lot of great systems to help you talk to somebody when they need to.

But since this page gets about 22,000, it makes one wonder -- why don't these systems fulfill the needs of so many people?

Anonymous said...

By not accepting checks or money orders for any purchases (eff 9/13) they are taking a dangerous position of alienating those who do not have a credit card(or don't want one) or do not wish to charge. I will not and encourage others to not purchase untill they allow either a check or a money order for purchases.

deelong said...

I happen to find this site today because after an extensive amount of time looking on Amazon for help/ customer service or who to get ahold of; I gave up and did a search for their CS number.

We have been shopping from Amazon since 1999. I guess were lucky that we never had to return anything or complain because today was the first time I was really annoyed with their site. The help site was a mess, I had to scroll down, down, down.....there were only three words per line.And try to find the correct information on receiving a damaged box with merchandise damaged was nerve racking. It kept giving me the the supplier, then take me to god knows where.

Or it would say their contact info was up in the right and corner of help page if you couldn't get the help you needed from the webpage. Not so, I looked / searched several times.

Thank you for the Amazon number. I was able to talk to a nice gal that said she would get me a refund. She said in 2-3 days..I hope so. I'm going to feel a little leary ordering from Amazon next time, they need to clean up there help portion of their website or have the phone number available. I feel sorry for people that have a problem with their order and give up trying to get some straight answers because the customer support area of the website is not user friendly..and that's the nice thing I have to say about it :P

Anonymous said...

I just thought I'd put in my two cents about Amazon gift cards. Don't buy them! I was cheated by someone at Amazon out of a $50.00 emailed gift card from my boss for my birthday last year. After trying to use it numerous times and getting a complete run around from customer service ("service" - HA!!) I finally told her that I was never able to use it. She replaced it with a Borders card and contacted her credit card company. I don't know if she received her money back but based on that experience I would never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever purchase an Amazon gift card. As far as I'm concerned if I can't use my own credit card, through which I have some recourse if something goes wrong, I will not buy from Amazon. They cannot be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Como hago para llamar a amazom desde Venezuela, cual es el numero con codigo que tengo que marcar

Anonymous said...

Amazon is horrible. My sister was an seller and she died suddenly. I have made repeated attempts to call Amazon to make sure that there are no pending orders to her account and to close down the account. Each time they simply put me on hold until the phone line eventually went blank. Utterly inexcusable.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this info. It is absolutely absurd that it takes so much effort to receive customer service.

Anonymous said...

hey, does anyone know how to get ahold of Amazon-owned IMDB to speak to a human being - phone number and or address???? Their lack of electronic response is driving me crazy.....

Anonymous said...

Totally frustrated at being locked out of my Amazon account all yesterday and still locked out, and them not responding to any of my emails yet, I rang the UK number given on this website (after a long and frustrating delve into the Amazon website to find a customer service number which wasn't to be found anywhere - aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!!). Anyway after ringing the 0800 UK number provided on this site, an announcement says that the number has changed and that the new number is 0800 496 1081. Thanks for this handy site.

Anonymous said...

I've had the same experience -- locked out of account, multiple efforts to log on fail, multiple efforts to check password generate no email, and their telephone number is once again a War on Terror Red Alert secret. Amazon stinks. I've never had a good experience with them. Not once. Their A-Z guarantee guarantees nothing, not even that you get a package. Thank you for posting their telephone number! How revealing.... thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Totally outraged by the "customer service" I have received on a recent order. I was shipped a different item than I ordered. When I asked for the correct item the foreign customer service person told me to wait a few days while they contact technical support. This went on for over a month. Finally they tell me it's a technical problem, I received the item I ordered but mistakenly the listing was for a different product (!) They offered me 20% off on the product I received. I replied that I don't want that product, if I was not getting the one I originally ordered, I would have ordered XYZ item so please ship me that instead with the 20% off. Also the manufacturer rebate for the original item is now expired so I wanted a new transaction date so I can use the current manufacturer rebate. Nope, they can't do that either. So much for the future of internet retailing! Amazon is bull$%&^t!

Anonymous said...

Amazon's customer service is soooo atrocious that they have people dedicated to handling complaints from the Attorney General's Office (of any state). So, here ya go if you want to contact them. They actually helped me, where the regular customer service was pretty useless. (Rebecca Aviv)
Or call her: 1-304-781-4374 (EST). Just want to share with anyone who is as frustrated as I was.

Anonymous said...

3rd time i have had to come here to get the number, thanks for keeping this page up!

Anonymous said...

Well I just went through the instant call back service last night and what a mess that was. Don't bother. This morning a USA based CS person managed to mostly straighten the situation out.

Basically a free item that was supposed to be included was left out. The overseas? CS center told me I was supposed to add that free item to my order myself or it would not be included. What? Nothing on the webpage said that.

This company has problems that never seem to go away. Makes you wonder if they really wanted me to get the free item?

Ordering cell phones through is an even bigger nightmare.

Anonymous said...

WHY??? I bet your spending more to do BAD BUSINESS that it would cost to be helpful and honest. Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Amazon phone number!

Anonymous said...

I Just found out I was "upgraded" to Amazon Prime, thinking I cancelled the trial sub over a month ago. I did not find this out until I tried to ship an order super saver only to find the option did not present itself. I immediately tried to cancel but apparently the order had been shipped within the five minutes of being placed. Fancy that! I'm asking them to refund the Amazon Prime charge and downgrade the shipping and contesting it with AMEX just in case. I have been a satisfied customer of Amazon for over 11 years. I hope they don't screw me on this..I'll keep ya posted.

Anonymous said...

The UK free-phone number has been changed to:

0800 4961081

Very helpful site btw....ty for creating it.

Anonymous said...

Just contacted Amazon through the link they provide on their site. They have you enter your number and they call you back right away.

Problem is, the person on the other end spoke barely understabdable English, and claimed that I had to "call back in 30 minutes" because "their computers are down". I had to have her repeat that 4 times to understand what she was saying.

So, I immediately searched and found this page in about a minute, called the number on this page immediately, and had somebody who spoke perfect English help me IMMEDIATELY, giving me a refund for my order which never showed up (hope you have fun with my iPod USPS worker).

That's it. Done with this Amazon sh**hole.

Anonymous said...

Your Amazon UK number is outdated, they have changed it to +44 207 084 7911. Good luck after you get them on the phone, these people are a joke.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to share that I found this website first before calling Amazaon and was prepared for the worst. However, when I went to the website to see if the customer service numbers matched, I found that they had updated the CS system. I clicked 'Help' at the botton of the website. Then 'Contact Us', Customer Service 'Phone' and CALL ME. This is great -- and Nick, my customer service rep was very friendly and helpful. My experience could NOT have been any better -- PERFECT! So they have definitely made some changes. Thank you, Amazon!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to share that I found this website first before calling Amazaon and was prepared for the worst. However, when I went to the website to see if the customer service numbers matched, I found that they had updated the CS system. I clicked 'Help' at the botton of the website. Then 'Contact Us', Customer Service 'Phone' and CALL ME. This is great -- and Nick, my customer service rep was very friendly and helpful. My experience could NOT have been any better -- PERFECT! So they have definitely made some changes. Thank you, Amazon!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to share that I found this website first before calling Amazaon and was prepared for the worst. However, when I went to the website to see if the customer service numbers matched, I found that they had updated the CS system. I clicked 'Help' at the botton of the website. Then 'Contact Us', Customer Service 'Phone' and CALL ME. This is great -- and Nick, my customer service rep was very friendly and helpful. My experience could NOT have been any better -- PERFECT! So they have definitely made some changes. Thank you, Amazon!

Anonymous said...

I received the wrong item for my order. I tried to find anything helpful on the website, or a phone number. I found neither. Once I found their number here, the problem was resolved in a couple minutes, and the customer service representative was very nice about the situation. Thanks.

Infomercialfanatic said...

I really think Amazon Customer Service has improved their situation exponentially since I put this site up. They've added a lot of great systems to help you talk to somebody when they need to.
As Seen On TV Products

Metro Mapper said...

Recently I've been locked out of my account, and I have called them, had them call me, and emailed them dozens of times with no resolution.

So I setup a blog about it until I get them to give me an explanation and/or allow me to access my account:

Anonymous said... just worked great for me.

After an insulting and condescending customer service rep I e-mailed my issue to Later the same day I heard from someone in the "executive customer relations" department and my issue was immediately resolved. BTW, as of now the direct e-mail for the executive customer relations department is

Anonymous said...

i came to this web site because i could not 4 the life of me find their cust service #

Anonymous said...

In a recent, 12-10-08, exchange with Amazon I clicked until I found a button in which they called me immediately, and I mean IMMEDIATELY! Here is the address that got me that response:
Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

THe new Amazon UK number is 0800 496 1081 as of 12 December 2008. Hope that helps!

Unknown said...

I found the site because I was googling for Amazon's # after being unable to find it on their site!

Ming said...

Amazing. We actually found a means of having Amazon call us back which was promptly accomplished. We worked hard tonight to complete our order to comply with the Free Shipping if order was in stock, from Amazon, and ordered before midnight Dec. 17th (tonight). After 30 minutes, we were unable to get an answer or solution to eliminate the shipping charges. We finally got a "promise" from the supervisor that the shipping charges would be reversed once the order was placed. Order has been placed and now we wait..... How can they advertise this shipping deal if they can't deliver???

Anonymous said...

I prefer a real email address so that I can have a copy of everything that was discussed. That is probably the same reason that Amazon doesn't want me to have their address. Email is far more efficient than phone conversations for that reason. Never a need to repeat yourself, never a question about what promises were made...

Thanks to all of you who contributed to this!

- ts

Anonymous said...

I got gifts from Amazon this past Christmas and It has taken me all day today trying to return them. It is a real pain in the neck...This will teach my family and I not to order stuff from Amazon anymore...If I do not get to retun my items or exchange them I will not order from them anymore neither my family. Amazon makes things too difficult for customers and is it very dissapointing. got gifts from Amazon this past Christmas and It has taken me all day today trying to return them. It is a real pain in the neck...This will teach my family and I not to order stuff from Amazon anymore...If I do not get to retun my items or exchange them I will not order from them anymore neither my family. Amazon makes things too difficult for customers and is it very dissapointing.

Anonymous said...

I got gifts from Amazon this past Christmas and It has taken me all day today trying to return them. It is a real pain in the neck...This will teach my family and I not to order stuff from Amazon anymore...If I do not get to retun my items or exchange them I will not order from them anymore neither my family. Amazon makes things too difficult for customers and is it very dissapointing. got gifts from Amazon this past Christmas and It has taken me all day today trying to return them. It is a real pain in the neck...This will teach my family and I not to order stuff from Amazon anymore...If I do not get to retun my items or exchange them I will not order from them anymore neither my family. Amazon makes things too difficult for customers and is it very dissapointing.

Dan said...

You can also use 1-866-557-2820.

Anonymous said...

I have been using Amazon the past 2 years or so to buy my college textbooks at cheaper prices. In the past things worked out pretty good until now. Now my Visa statements show me being charged EXTREMELY higher prices than I paid on the Amazon site. First Amazon directs you to contact the seller about the issue, which I did, and then the seller turns right around to tell you to contact Amazon about, and I quote, "any charges that you dispute on your account". Caught in yet ANOTHER ring of the blame game!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have been frozen out of my seller account while it continued to make deductions from my bank account. All the time my account was on "vacation setting". You have to sign into your account to contact them, which of course I could not do. The system they have in place now says you can call from any seller support page by clicking the "call me back" button. They got me back into my account and say they will give me a refund. Here is the page I used:

Anonymous said...

I used the phone number for customer service today (thanks to you)and spoke to someone live. My complaint was about a product I ordered from one of their sponsored links. the ads on sponsored links are placed by an affiliate of the company I was linked to is I ordered a complete series of boy meets world. the website looks legit etc. however I have not received the product nor any replies to my emails. I googled their company today and found many complaints on their product is pirated (if you receive the order at all) and not as advertised. As I could not get a response from them, I contacted Amazon. this is not the first complaint apparently but the same link was displayed still on their website. They have said they are going to look into the issue and get back to me on what they will do. I said that company should not be on their website if they can't back their integrity up. I am going to followup with the internet fraud division of our police department.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how u doing??.. look, like 2 or 3 months ago, a friend gave me an amazon gift card for my birthday, which she bought at a Redner's Warehouse Market, in PA; when I tried to buy a cd with the card, the system told me the number was wrong.. and I've tried like a hundred times and still I got nothing. I was wondering if you think I can have at least the hope that I can get my cd or should I give up?. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Great post...thanks for the customer service phone numbers. I wanted to strangle someone at Amazon and giving me a phone number let me get out my feelings safely...and get a refund on S&H for my order. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I Could Not Find The Phone Number For I Did A Google Search For It And Found This 1-800-201-7575
And It Worked For Me. I Went Through The Contact Us And Found Nothing But Email.

Anonymous said...

UK Customer Service Phone Number:
0800 496 1081

They were very helpful when I wanted to change the delivery method.

Call center is actually on the Philippines according to the lady on the phone...

Anonymous said...

thanks for the number. I didn't even want to try to find there contact number and thought it would be hidden on their site!

Anonymous said...

Amazon have set up the Philippine site with either training which is deliberately minimal, or training in deliberate evasiveness. There is simply too consistent a picture presented from all the complaints for it to be accidental.

There would be a U.S manager (if not several) assigned to 'training' the Filipinos, so the level of service is a reflection of that training. And those managers would be resident in the Philippines, and regularly present at the call centre. You’ll never find out who they are though.

Amazon have deliberately made themselves uncontactable, and therefore do not deserve any business, as such a deliberately immoral act deserves no relationship.

I think post 38 (or 39) said that the CS Filipinos don't seem to look at the whole picture of emails on a particular issue, but only the last one. It doesn't take a spy to work out that this is a deliberate ploy at playing dum.

Here's my latest experience:

I complained by phone and email that the Mary Tyler Moore series seasons 5-7 could only be purchased as part of a complete set of 1-7, and that I along with thousands of others therefore had purchased 1-4 individually, in vain.

I then got an advertisement email from Amazon on the series the Paper Chase, season one. I wasn't going to fall for the same trick, so asked their CS to get on to the distributors and find out whether the later seasons are definitely on their production calendar.

A guy named "Vijaya Kumar" told me by email that he would assist me, and that he wanted the link to the item. So I gave him the link. Well Vijaya, it turned out, wasn't as eager to assist as he made out: I never heard from him again.

But no matter, in steps "Praneel" to the rescue. Praneel tells me that he/she has contacted the publisher, and that, YES, season 2 and 3 will be produced on DVD!

Well Praneel unfortunately made a crucial mistake: there are not 3, but 4 seasons of the Paper Chase.

So I asked Praneel to go back to the publisher, and determine whether season 4 was also on their production list.

Exit Praneel: that one was obviously too hard to handle. Strange hey! Just another phone call to the publisher would have concluded the issue. But read on and find out why the additional phone call wasn’t made……

In steps “Sivakumar K”, who promptly apologises for the whole kit cat and caboodle, and adamantly declares that they at the call centre don’t have the option of contacting the publisher.

Well well well. Praneel tells me that he/she HAS CONTACTED the publisher, and produces a Mickey Mouse answer for me (3 seasons when the publisher would know there were 4), and Sivakumar K tells me they can’t contact any publishers.

So the latest is……

I have written back asking which of the two CS people (Praneel or Sivakumar K) lied to me.

And I have told them I am enjoying the game of cat-and-mouse that they are so well trained in.

I look forward to yet another CS person to pick up the baton and tell me something like “sorry, Praneel is on holidays, and Sivakumar can’t be found”.

So…you people need to realise that this whole thing is contrived. Amazon read this web page, and therefore couldn’t care less: they probably enjoy reading the stories in their lunch break.
They are not that stupid as to have all this happening accidentally: they are fully aware of their own evasiveness: it is a very deliberate act. Commensurately, the Filipino staff may be a little substandard in English language, but they are not intellectual vegetables: one of the guys I called to blast on the phone, was quite good at coming up with counter arguments at the drop of a hat: he was quite intelligent and good at logic. Filipinos, I am sure, have the same level of IQ as Caucasians in England or America: they are just as intelligent, and understand what procedures are required to resolve an issue. They are not so stupid as to think that one query should be begun to be worked on by one CS operator, but then subsequently worked on by many other operators sequentially: they are quite aware of the need for continuity.

So one can only conclude that, given the impossibility of contacting any American CS operators, and given the extreme apparent incompetence of the Filipino CS operators (no continuity in problem resolution, poor English, ostensible-only concern, responses which never accurately address the issue no matter how often it is asked and how specifically stated) that the whole thing is deliberate.

You people therefore need to recognise this, and never deal with them again. That state Attorney offices are regularly compiling issues against Amazon, tells us that the directors of Amazon are fully aware of, and in fact are causing, the problems deliberately by a sort of modus operandi based on default.

Once the heat gets too high, the directors will probably dissolve the company, or incorporate it into another entity, so that existing issues are buried under layers and layers of bureaucracy and red tape.

Anonymous said...

Continuing on from my post of Feb 26, 2009, 11:17 PM above, as I predicted in that post, another Filipino has entered the scene. (They do this in order to dilute the issue and make you give up. But they can’t win with me, because I’m not trying to win: I am just enjoying reflecting their own game back in their faces! And I have plenty of time to play with!)

As you will recall, my last email to them asked them which one of them, “Praneel” (who said he/she had contacted the publisher of the DVD series The Paper Chase season 1, and that the publisher had told him/her personally that seasons 2 and 3 were on the agenda also) or “Sivakumar K” (who subsequently told me that none of the CS operators have the option of contacting any publishers), had lied to me.

So in steps “Mateen”, who cuts and pastes what “Sivakumar K” said to me (which incidentally included the usual “we’re sorry that on this occasion our service did not meet your required level”), but the main point of course being that none of the CS operators have the ability to contact publishers/distributors of products.

So guess what I did! I asked the same question again: “which one of you (Praneel, or Sivakumar) lied to me?”

Well the fun is really stepping up now. Because now “Prakash” has entered the scene, and guess what Praki baby told me. You guess it: the same thing that Siva baby and Maty baby told me, and guess what: he used the same cut and paste job!

I just can’t resist the fun, so guess what I did! Yes! That’s right! I asked the same question again, and pointed out in my question the list of responders so far, which was making it so much fun (like a little community of liars all covering up for “Praneel”’s lie.

The list so far is:

“Vijaya Kumar” (who wanted desperately to assist me but then disappeared from the scene)

“Praneel” (who told me that he/she had contacted the publisher of the Paper Chase and had been assured by them that seasons 2 and 3 would also be produced, to which I responded that there were not 3, but 4 seasons (a fact the publisher would have known and therefore a fact which tells us Praneel just might have been telling porky pies))

“Sivakumar K” (who told me that the Amazon CS operators don’t have the ability to contact publishers (which tells me that Praneel was indeed telling porky pies), but who didn’t seem to want to go over to Praneel and get to the bottom of the reason for the lie in the first place)

“Mateen” (who seemed to amazingly use the same text to me as Sivakumar K but who was obviously so interested in getting in on the act he didn’t tell Sivakumar that he copied his email transcripts when Siva went for a coffee break and left his PC on next to Mateen’s work station)

Prakash (who watched how clever Mateen was at copying Siva’s text, and did the same to Mateen when he went bent down under his work station to pick up a pencil he had dropped.)

So then, we look forward to the next answer to my question as to who (Praneel or the rest) lied to me.
Of course one wonders why Praneel just doesn’t come on and clear things up. But in the mean time, at least we get to see how many operators they have working there, and we get to read some pretty Filipino names in the process.

Fun fun fun, and no cost to me!

But the main thing is, I think you’ll all agree that this activity of theirs is extremely deliberate and that therefore we have established beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever, that are in essence, the equivalent of people who evidence criminal (dark) minds and behaviour.

Given that the emails which go in and out of the Filipino call centre would be scrutinised by American citizens (ex-patriots) on assignment in the Philippines to ‘manage’ the call centre, we can only conclude that the whole thing is a farce, and that Amazon are definitely behaving according to a criminal mentality (surreptitious, dark, secretive, evasive, untruthful, manipulative, false-sincerity, deliberately errant, deliberately misrepresentative etc etc).

And that it is inconceivable that their management both in the U.S and the Philippines have not have read this web blog site that we are all posting on, attests.

I’ll keep you informed and let you know who the next CS operator turns out to be.

Anonymous said...

Continuing on from my post of Feb 26, 2009, 11:17 PM above, first I will make an amendment: although the people you telephone at Amazon are Filipino, the email people seem to be Indian, and are probably based there.

As I predicted in that post, another [Indian] has entered the scene. (They do this in order to fragment the issue and make you give up.)

As you will recall, my last email to them asked them which one of them, “Praneel” (who said he/she had contacted the publisher of the DVD series The Paper Chase season 1, and that the publisher had told him/her personally that seasons 2 and 3 were on the agenda also) or “Sivakumar K” (who subsequently told me that none of the CS operators have the option of contacting any publishers), had lied to me.

So in steps “Mateen”, who cuts and pastes what “Sivakumar K” said to me (which incidentally included the usual “we’re sorry that on this occasion our service did not meet your required level”), but the main point of course being that none of the CS operators have the ability to contact publishers/distributors of products.

So I asked the same question again: “which one of you (Praneel, or Sivakumar) lied to me?”

Well now “Prakash” entered the scene, and guess what Praki baby told me. You guess it: the same thing that Siva baby and Maty baby told me, and guess what: he used the same cut and paste job!

So I asked the same question again, and pointed out in my question the list of responders so far, to highlight to them the fact that I was aware of their fragmentation game.

And now finally we have heard from “Arif”, who has realised that they just can’t avoid the Praneel issue. So Arif apologised to me for the “incorrect information” that Praneel gave me.

But I wasn’t going to accept that of course, because there is incorrect owing to error, and there is incorrect owing to deliberate falsehood, and we all know which of the two categories Praneel’s ‘incorrect’ falls in.

So I have pointed out that Amazon, via their CS officer “Praneel”, have committed and act of fraud, and I have asked them to get a Manager from the United States to contact me.

Of course now they are scared little boys trying to hide and hope the issue will go away, and are not responding to me.

Strange hey. A supposed world-renowned reputable company has one of their CS people tell a deliberate lie to me, which, if I had not been astute enough, would have resulted in my purchasing a DVD product purely on the basis of my having been told that the future seasons of the series were guaranteed to be released (ie purely on the basis of the lie I had been told), and yet that company seems to have no desire to reprimand the offender, nor liaise with the customer who was lied to, nor do they seem to have scrutinised the correspondences between myself and their CS people. There seems to be no escalation procedure, and no proactive intervention from management concerning the activities of their Indian CS officers. There is no mention of any supervisor, nor of the rank of the officers emailing me. No officer has stated he is a supervisor or a manager. All appear to be of the same junior call-centre rank. These CS officers are like lose canons, sending off fragmented replies which never address the issue at hand, having a ball getting paid while being accountable to no-one. Just employed to write little stories to customers with cut-and-paste jobs which ensure the usual ‘customer-service-talk’ is included and which give the appearance of attentiveness.

Any truly reputable company would be extremely apologetic, and would definitely sack the offender within their ranks. It is no small matter for a company representative to deliberately lie to an overseas customer and attempt to elicit a sale based on deliberately-false information.

The issue will not go away.

And of course there are large-audience talkback radio stations (the sort that have over ½ million people listening in to a morning programme) in my country, with aggressive journalists, who always like a good story.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am trying to call Amazon right now about an "age appropriateness" concern. (i.e. Amazon is listing books for 16-20 somethings in their CHILDREN'S book feeds.) I got the number for their Ethics line: 2062661742 , but it just rings. Is there another number?

Anonymous said...

Irony Attack!
(it's at the end)

Thank you so much for the phone number!

I had been a very good Amazon customer for seven years and suddenly, one fine spring morning, they wanted me to enter my credit card number. Well, back in the early days you could call in your credit card number when you first opened an account - and never have to enter it again. Then one day, in the interest of security, they decided to ask us for them again - only now there was no longer a number to call it in. So I canceled the order and let the stuff in my shopping cart effectively rot - for five years - until, by chance, I came across the phone numbers in this blog.
It's hard to escape the feeling that I'm a little out of place here since I really like Amazon and was ordering progressively more and more stuff from them as time went on and their inventory expanded - so I've really missed them these last five years. But I will NOT type my credit card information onto a keyboard - regardless of whether it's connected to the internet or not. It's just NOT going to happen - and there are quite a few of us out there who know why it's bad idea - regardless of how secure the Amazon server is. So it's really baffling that Amazon hasn't set up a mechanism, for a 30 second phone call every six months or so, in order to accommodate some very good customers. As someone who was once a partner in a mail order firm for 16 years I learned that, on average, one happy customer shares their shopping experience with one other person - and one unhappy customer shares their bad experience with nine people. Can you say Customer Relations Management? Would this explain why they've had a bumpier road than was necessary?.
Anyway, I've just hung up with the very nice and intelligent Amazon help person who helped me place my first order in five years and the first thing I did after that was wade through my musty shopping cart. One of the first titles on the list was:

"WAYMISH: Why are you making it so hard for me to give you my money?" - by Ray Considine

Is that too funny? I couldn't have made that up in a million years.

Anonymous said...


You are a star for doing this website. Three cheers!

I have a problem with my credit card not going through for an order I made. The card worked fine for another order at the ssame time. Go figure!

Anyway, I searched for the customer service number and couldn't find it on their website. I remember seeing it somewhere but couldn't find it at the point of need. (And I hate the time lag and possible non-effectiveness of an e-mail).

So, thanks once again for your excellent spirit of community service and good consumerism. Kudos!

Lisa McCain

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE who doesn't get FAST help when there is a problem with an Amazon charge (& fast doesn't mean spending hours of your valuable time wandering hundreds of websited pages in the hope you find a way to contact the company)should simply contest the charge with your credit card company. NEVER pay what you don't owe. Perhaps the credit card issuers will quickly get sick of the extra work generated by Amazon's hiding from its customers rather than doint its job & resolving the issues. If they do, they should bang Amazon for higher seller fees until they get it! Especially when most problems can be resolved within 2 minutes if you have an intelligent concerned customer service rep!

Anonymous said...

These pages contain contact info for Amazon, & clicked for a phone call & my phone rang immediately & the person was very nice & put a credit through & confirmed by email - all within 3 minutes. This is how customer service should always work, the contact info should be on EVERY page of Amazon's website. If a company always provides good quick helpful service there is no need to go anywhere else & risk bad service.

You can sign in if you like, I didn't today & got right through. Hopefully you will have the same experience, if not, complain! :)

Gib Wallis said...

Thank you for this site.

I generally love Amazon, and I like their customer service, but finding their number is a nightmare.

I found it quickly from Googling.

I spoke with a rep about my beloved Kindle rebooting by itself and two minutes later they said they're shipping a replacement which will be here after the weekend.

Sorry you're having a rough time, people.

The numbers are what I needed and I hope other people can get faster help and avoid frustration in the future.

I liked the rep's saying it could have been worse with a debit card. That could have been tragic!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who can't figure out how to contact Amazon CS has no business shopping online. I guess clicking "Help" at the top of any page on the web site, and clicking the big yellow button that says "Contact Us" it is just too darn complicated for people. There you will be given the option for email or phone, with phone having the option to either have Amazon call you back by entering your number, or the CS phone number is provided if you prefer to just call. Wow, was that hard to figure out!!! The complete and utter laziness of people absolutely astounds me at times. If it's not posted in bright red flashing letters/numbers, people don't read anything, or make any real effort to find something.

Anonymous said...

OMG amazon selling cd online without consent of the owner copyright this is a criminal actions selling something withuot contract,i heard in the news amazon sued for copyright infringement,contributory finances

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this website. The contact number for them is impossible to find! And they process the orders so quickly (within minutes) I was unable to change my order. Lesson learned: If you want Free Super Shipping, make sure you click it when checking out. I thought it would be free, but they make you choose the option when checking out, or it automatically charges you shipping.

Anonymous said...

To the person who said finding the phone number is easy... no it isn't. You click on help and it directs you to different links, where you have to choose drop down menus. Yes you can email... but it is much quicker to call. Especially if you have an order processing you need a change on.

Andrea said...

thanks so much for this blog! its like a convenient "Contact Us" page which can be easily googled up, that Amazon should have!

Sharon said...

thanks so much for leaving this up ! I used it for AMAZON

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much for this site! I was very frustrated because I found out 5 weeks after buying the book that some of the pages were defective, and couldn't talk to a PERSON at Amazon. This site enabled me to make contact with a reasoning human being and it was taken care of quickly and to my complete (and logical) satisfaction.
Bless you!

Anonymous said...

I was a seller on I was doing very well. I received orders and sent them out promptly. They allow 2 days for shipping. I even upgraded the shipments to 1st class so people could get their orders faster. After a month of selling, I found out that the person doing my shipping, assuring me the whole time that he shipped, well didn't. He didn't ship about half of the orders out in time or at all. I was really pi((ed off. I fired him on the spot took all inventory to my home and shipped out every last DVD that was ordered as fast as I could. I was still selling on their site for another month sending every order out the same day or next day. They could see the huge improvement in my numbers every day. All of a sudden it ended. I was kicked off Amazon for life no less! I appealed to them. I told them of what happened to me and how I fired the person doing all the shipping. I was now in control of shipping and receiving and since that day I fired the jerk working for me I had shipped out every order on time traveling to the post office 2-3 times a day to ensure the best customer service I can give. I contacted every person I sold to and told them my story. Everyone was understanding and waited for their orders. I even received personal emails of praise on how great my customer service was and how fast I got items to them. They also commented on my honesty. Amazons resopnse to all of this proof was bad, so sad, we can do what we want and there is nothing you can do or say about it. You are banned for life. That's nuts! FOR LIFE!!!

blindjustice said...

Here is a suggestion for everyone who is having trouble with Amazon and who would like to file a grievance. Contact the Washington State Attorney General's Office (look them up on the internet) and file a complaint detailing your problem(s) with Amazon, the nature of your complaint/dispute with Amazon, how much money (if any) you lost, the total dollar amount of the transaction, any shipping costs, handling fees, etc. Provide details, but leave out the profanity. (Profanity is a sure fire way to get your letter thrown into the rubbish bin.)

Be sure to use proper English, check your grammar, spelling and punctuation. These things really do matter when you are filing an official complaint or document and you want an attorney or government representative to take you seriously. Ask a friend, relative or your local librarian to proofread your letter, because letters written in anger often reflect only the anger and frequently leave out important details the writer many overlook in his or her anger. These details are often what an attorney or government agency is looking for when taking a complaint against a company like Amazon. Be sure you include copies of any supporting documents - receipts; shipping invoices; credit card statements (if you were charged more than once); letters or e-mails you sent to Amazon; notes, records or logs you kept of phone calls to Amazon CS or Billing; photos of the product(s) purchased or other information that may be helpful.

You will also want to file complaints with the Better Business Bureau and Seattle Chamber of Commerce - many people are surprised by how much clout these agencies have and how much power they wield when it comes to shutting down companies who practice "bad business" in their towns and communities. You can file complaints with each of the aforementioned by sending copies of the letter you send to the Washington State Attorney General's Office - just be sure to change the name of the addressee on the "TO" line of each letter before printing it. If you want to take the easy way out, just "CC" the Better Business Bureau and the Seattle Chamber of Commerce on your letter to the Washington State Attorney General's Office. :-)

In closing, let me share my own horror with all of you. I recently discovered over a year's worth of charges to my credit card following one purchase made from Amazon just before I was hospitalized following a horrible accident. Apparently, Amazon pirated my credit card number and applied it to a number of subsequent purchases I neither authorized nor wanted while I was in the hospital. Much to my horror, unwanted items began arriving at my home while I was hospitalized. I knew nothing about them until my family happened to mention them to me on one of their visits. In 3 short days, there was an unbelievable accumulation of books, CDs, DVDs and videos games at my home, and I had not ordered any of the items. Apparently, other companies obtained my credit card number from Amazon or one of their employees, because I have unauthorized charges from companies I have never heard of on statements dating back to the month following that initial Amazon purchase.

When I arrived home from the hospital, I tried to find a phone number for Amazon to speak with someone about returning all of the items I never ordered and having the charges on my credit card, along with the associated finance charges, removed. I couldn't find a phone number anywhere on their invoices or their website, nor could I find a listing for Amazon in the Seattle metro telephone directory. I contacted the Washington State Attorney General's Office and filed a complaint. I am waiting to see what happens next. The wheels of justice move slowly, but I have seen the justice system work, so I will give it time.

swimminginlight said...

I was so frustrated that I couldn't find their damn contact info that I decided to google, "does amazon have a fucking phone number?" and your blog popped up. Thanks! =D

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting these numbers. After dealing with UPS, automated tel-services, etc. I had to search, to no avail, for a contact number for Amazon, the suppiler!?! As if never recieving my package is'nt upsetting enough, then to have to search for a non-posted number. You're a lifesaver.:)

Anonymous said...

Just a quick GOOD comment on Amazon. I recently called their customer service number (1-800-201-7575) and the phone was answered by a computer, but picked up by a real live person in less than 2 minutes. My order was fixed and I was off the phone in about 6 minutes total. Trust me, they've made me upset in the past too, but this was worth noting as they MIGHT be trying to improve.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say thank you for posting the phone numbers for I was being charged for instant watch for episodes of a series and there was no way to stop it. With the phone number I called them to say "CANCEL" that subscription.

Marcinha said...

You ask people to say why they enter here.
In Amazon site you cant find the number unless you are logged in, so it was easier to enter here.

Unknown said...

All links to Amazon are dead to my computer. This is 2 weeks going. I cannot get onto Amazon at all. How can I get back shopping again? Thanks.
Pat Blackham

Anonymous said...

For Amazon UK Contact Number TEL:+

Anonymous said...

Amazon Payments has the worst customer service I have ever encountered. Surely they have phones that also have numbers that can be called. I had to make a payment for a backup service and my credit card kept getting declined....FOR NO REASON. So I tried another. No luck. No one could tell me why but they could send an email to me in 1-2 business days. The email said call my credit card company. I did, no problem. So where to go from here. All I want to do is pay my $7 to the backup service and no one will take my card or talk to me about why.

Not having the ability to talk to a person about what's going on may the the single most frustrating thing I can imagine. I'm looking for a new service company that uses a company to receive their payments I can actually speak with. Needless to say I will do everything I can to avoid Amazon at all costs.

Dawn Gregg said...

I too am having a similar problem with Amazon. I decided to use Amazon payments to accept money for my website. They put a 14 day hold on your money and when the wait period expires (by 10 days) I tried to make a withdrawal and get a message that the withdrawal failed because "There is a 14 day hold on my funds." After using their contact forms for 2 days and getting no response I finally try calling their main customer service number. I get a guy that tries to help but Amazon payments is a separate area and get this - they DO NOT HAVE A PHONE NUMBER!

Amazon still has my money - tomorrow I will be calling every number on this list to see if anyone at the company will give me any sort of response.

Dustin said...

I'm a huge Amazon fan... I've never run into any trouble, though I am sure that's partly due to luck.

It's a good thing to shop online, because it's so good for the environment. Also, you can support tiny businesses that are very competitive, instead of rip offs that happen to live near you.

I can't emphasize enough how much better for the environment it is to shop online. Instead of driving around from one mom and pop to the next, I can buy everything I want, have it all put into one box, and shipped right to me instead to the several stores I would have shopped at. Of course, by the same logic, it's good to shop at Wal Mart... you can get everything you need in one trip instead of in ten.

Just food for thought. I'm glad you've put the number up to help people who aren't as keen for using email or whatever electronic complaint process Amazon was using (I'm not familiar with it).

Unknown said...

You are not kidding, I just got off the phone with someone in India, telling me that I CAN NOT SPEAK with Billing department at AMAZON.COM They locked my account right after i placed the order..Fancy that they are hiding behind the wall so when they screw up something u cant get hold of them...This bis first time i ordered from AMAZON.COM and will be the last time...Companies that dont make their phone available to customers are off my list.BUYERS BEWARE!!!! AMAZON.COM is a big scam....Now it will take them 3 weeks to refund my money, while in mean time they will float my money and invest somewhere else...Take ME 1 customer time One million like me whose many they use to float for their own interest and investment for 24-48 hours....NICE BUSINESS AMAZON

Barnickal said...

UK Freephone changed to: 0800 4961081

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this website. The phone numbers you have are correct. I called the 866-216-1072 and that number is outsourced to a different country; not sure which one. However, the woman was helpful to me. Also, to find the number easier on Amazon just go to Help then type contact amazon in the search bar. The numbers you have come up. However, it took me a while to get there & found them on your site 1st.
Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with others, thank you very much for making the Customer Service phone number readily available: 1-866-216-1072. One Google search, instant phone number.

In contrast, it takes six steps to find the Amazon customer service phone number from their website:


2) Help (Small text, very bottom right.)

3) Contact Us (Hidden in plain sight as a big orange button, right-hand side, halfway down. It’s easy to overlook now that you’re all trained up from previous step to look for small print.)

4) E-mail Address & Password (Yep, you have to authenticate! If you aren't already signed in, then you need to provide your Amazon credentials: e-mail address & password.)

What this really means is that my Mother, for example, who is receiving a package from me and needs to contact customer service for whatever reason but doesn't have Amazon credentials, well, she's completely screwed because she can barely make it to Step 1 and would give up before Step 2. No way in hell she’s making it through Step 4.

It also means that the MBA at Amazon who decided that centralized administration of phone numbers was a good idea, along with the management chain that approved it, well, they either don’t care about my Mother and her issues or else they do care about her but they're idiots.

5) Phone tab (This is where you get presented with an offer for them to call you back.)

Hmm…do I really want these guys calling me back? Maybe it’s just easier to do business elsewhere.

6) 1-866-216-1072 (Oh, yes. Finally, the Amazon phone number. In small print, to the left.)

Apparently, this is how Amazon is “Building Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Company.”

Initially, I couldn’t find their phone number and I used this blog. Since UPS is totally uncooperative, I was calling to see if there was a way for me to set a shipping default in my Amazon profile to request that every UPS shipment I receive be dropped at my door, regardless of whether or not I am home to receive it. But that’s a whole other story...

After talking to a guy in customer service about shipping options, or the lack thereof, I asked him to show me where the heck the customer service number was on the website. The guy didn’t know where to find it either and it took him about three or four minutes before he could figure out the six steps above! In the meantime, around minute two, I made sure we where discussing and laughing about the absurdity that Amazon Customer Service couldn’t even find their own phone number.

Oh, yes. I’m feeling very customer-centric right now. That’s why I’m sending these friendly thoughts off to Jeff Bezos just to see how much more customer-centric we can possibly get.

On the phone I was told by the customer service rep that Jeff’s e-mail address is, Just now I got an e-mail correcting that to, I’m positive that neither actually goes to Jeff. I’m expecting a flunky at best. We’ll see.

Meanwhile, I'm standing by to be amazed...

Real Estate Learning Center said...

A lot of the tricks to getting a hold of Amazon can be found here (including the user comments):

Hakimtea said...

I satisfied with amazon service, I've been 4 years known Amazon and after that long time I still love Amazon! Amazon is great!

Best regards
Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang

Anonymous said...

I have previously had reasonable service from Amazon in the past - ie when I got a "Free upgrade" To amazon prime over christmas, and it automatically changed into a permanent (and paid) account. I emailed and asked them to cancel it and refund me any money, and they did. Great! that's how it's supposed to work.

For the last few months, every time I try to purchase on, it won't recognize my postal code (a canadian zip code has letters and numbers) in my billing address, meaning I Can't get any further than the billing address part, and teh sale doesn't work. (get it - no sale #).

So this gets frustrating. I try to email in a complaint and what do I find but that I need a sale # in order to email in a complaint. So I'm in a hopeless catch 22. GAH! it's after hours now but I fully intend to call in tomorrow and wait as long as it takes to speak to a supervisor. this is ridiculous. A canadian site not taking a canadian postal code?

Anonymous said...

I came to your blog to find the number because the "Contact us" button isn't at the bottom of the page, like with every other website, so every page I looked at I missed it. This was very helpful. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Huh?! This has been around since "8.23.2007"?! The current date is 10-22-2009. I ran across this page because I too couldn't find a number to call Amazon. I guess they don't plan on publishing numbers anytime soon.

Sam said...

I had a similar problem - and they do have major issues in customer service. The first email says "WE WILL NOT REPLY TO ANY EMAIL FROM YOU" WOW... Seriously... I have emailed 15 times, and called about 10 times... nothing still... I sell on Ebay, and 99.8 %... This is the email I sent them after speaking on the phone -

The - was another company, I was selling for....
We started having problems, like the email orders were going to junk mail,
and we got a negative feedback, Amazon sent
an email stating we could not get any more negative feedback...but the
emails went to junk...
So what we did was - we sent out the books to customers, and refunded them (FREE BOOKS FOR CUSTOMERS TO MAKE THEM HAPPY)
We told them to keep the book, we were sorry for
the delay, etc... but amazon didn't like the refunds... ?? So we got in
more trouble.
The other company ( is no longer in business or with Amazon.
I am still selling on Ebay, and would LOVE to be able to sell with amazon
again. We ship in BRAND New envelopes, we
offer 100% return policy. no questions asked.
We were we new and could not help the orders going to junk mail. We tried to help the customers be happy, but
everything we did, things kept getting worse.
If you allow me to sell on amazon with - we will ship the
same day as orders, and we will
track amazon very close to make sure all customers are 100% happy.
Please you can keep watching our account for service, and feedback.

Also, one of my friends signed up to sell his used textbooks on amazon, and
it suspended his account as
I am not sure why, he is just a friend of mine, however he used my computer
to sign up.

I was considering using Amazon fulfilment services once our sales goals
were achieved, and would really love to chance
to become a large partner with Amazon.
Thanks for your time... And thanks for your consideration of reopening my
selling account.
If you should want to discuss further
please feel free to call me anytime on the number below.

I did get "Automated" we received your message and will respond within 48 hours... however, NO RESPONSE for over 2 months and 9 more forwarded emails....

I give up - and I will never purchase from Amazon Again! Hope others follow me.

I really want to start a major competition web site to really compete with amazon, and seller services... looking for investors now...and I don't think a lawsuit will go far...

I only hope the Board of Directors, major stockholders, and Executives are aware of this problem... because I've never even got to speak to a supervisor... its always a customer service rep, and they say "NO". I am not really aware of any other company who will allow ENTRY level employees to tell a customer "NO".


geedee said...

Between the time that I ordered a camera through Amazon and the time that it arrived, 3 days, they had reduced their sale price on their site. I contacted their customer servive dept. after searching for a phone number and was told by their rep that their policy is to issue a credit for the difference, up to $30. if the price drops within 7 days of shipment. He informed me that I would receive credit to my account for the difference in price, $17.24. Fine.

I then received an email stating that this is not true, their prices are always competitive at the time of purchase, etc., etc.

I replied that I would be returning the camera for a refund and would not be doing business with them in the future. They have my order record going back several years so they should be aware that I have spent a good bit of money with them in the past.
I received a form letter that basically restated their policy and that I have many options in the marketplace to spend my money.

They are definiyely missing the
boat with their lack of customer service.

Anonymous said...

Accidentally ordered 3 copies of 1 book, needed to call and cancel the other 2 before they got shipped tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hope you don't mind - I've linked to your post and written my own here:

Feel free to use the number for Chase Bank I've got in my post - it's the only one that made any difference in my particular case.

Anonymous said...

the phone number for customer service is still well-hidden on their website. thank you for having it here and easily available.

Davis Bailey said...

Thanks for posting this info online!

I never received a book from and had a horrible time trying to fix the situation.

I have a couple more phone numbers that may help others trying to get their customer service departments:

Corporate Office: 44 208 636 9451
Customer Service: 44 800 496 1081

sean said...

Yeah their phone number is very hard to find and I figured googling it would be easier after looking around in their help site for a few minutes.

I tried buying two camcorders this weekend for $199 each, but couldn't because there was a quantity limit of 1 per purchase. So today I logged on to buy the 2nd one and the price was suddenly $238!

After calling them just now, I was told they couldn't credit me the difference, but they did give me a $20 credit for my next order. Not the most ideal solution, but I'll take it. I've never had any terrible problems with their customer service (or returns) so far.

I'm guessing their phone numbers are hidden because (a) they're a huge company and wouldn't be able to handle a massive call volume, and (b) most customer questions can be answered online.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this info. 30 minutes and two customer service reps later, my problem with Amazon (or more specifically, the USPS and their shoddy service) has been resolved. I'm sure this would have taken several days if I had had to wait for emails to be exchanged!

Customer Service said...

Thanks for all of the Amazon numbers. I have started a directory of customer service numbers. Check it out as well.

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooooo much. This was really considerate of you.

Forever greatful

Anonymous said...

the problem with you people is you are all too lazy to actually read and research the site correctly. all these comments show how lazy the typical american attitude is. some people on here accuse amazon of late shipping, can't find a phone number, etc. but when I go on the website, and spend maybe 5 minutes using the HELP pages (the word that says HELP) on the right corner of the home page, you get all the answers you need. I found all the shipping details, the times, the differences between 3rd party sellers and things amazon ships directly. So to be honest, your frustration should be directed at YOURSELVES for being too lazy and dumb to do some quick reading. Quick to blame all the problems on amazon rather than take the blame for you being too retarded to do some simple research. Anybody who cant use the site correctly has no business ordering things online, or even using a computer for that matter. Go shop at best buy and have everything handed to you instead of using your brain. I've been a customer with them for years, and i've NEVER had a problem with them getting my orders to california, of all places. not once. I'm guessing most of the posters are old people that can't seem to EVER get anything right. so don't slander a company because of your stupidity. man up to the fact you all have a low IQ, and should all shop at target.

Ellen said...

Well, whenever somebody like "Anonymous" above leaves a note insulting this website's users, I like to post a note about how many people are visiting this site. In the last month, there have been more that 22,000 visitors; nearly 10,000 of those have been since November 27, otherwise known as "Black Friday."

I'm also an Amazon customer and I, as I've mentioned before, believe that over the past 10 years Amazon has improved its level of customer service by leaps and bounds! However, there's obviously still a lot of people who are finding Amazon's customer service systems confusing or annoying, and this page is still up because of that.

By the way, my guess is that Amazon would prefer not to have folks saying that their customers who are having trouble using customer service features are lazy, or stupid, or, god forbid, "old." My guess is Amazon would prefer to find a customer service system that works great for everybody, so that everyone has a really wonderful shopping experience.

I found the post above pretty insulting, but allowed it, since I think such comments are telling when one is thinking about the state of customer service on the web.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the info! Amazon customer service stinks! I had a package they sent by UPS that said delivered but wasn't, which isn't amazon's fault, but when you go into UPS to file a claim, UPS asks for the exact info on the lable of the package from where it was sent (address AND phone number) well, after hours of searching, you can't find an address or phone number on Amazon's site. So I can't file a claim with UPS without it to get my money back. Sooo frustrating. I finally did the dialer thing and called Amazon and the customer service representative was rude. I haven't used amazon often and feel sure I'll avoid them as much as possible from now on.

Thank you again, without your blog post I would not have been able to file the claim. Please do not delete it!

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